⁰³puck off!

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chapter 03 」
❝ the puck keeps running away!


"THIS ISN'T WORKING," Amelia complained as Adam blocked another one of her shots.

Adam sighed. "Maybe scoring just isn't your thing."

"You think?"

After Adam showed her how to hold the stick, they were working on her shots. So far, all her shots had been blocked by Adam who wasn't even wearing any goalie gear.

"Try again. Bring your lower hand a little lower and don't lift the stick as high."

She nodded and took his advice. This time, the puck traveled farther with more power, but Adam was still able to stop it. She groaned and Adam passed the puck back to her.

"That was better," he said. "You could definitely score on a bad goalie."

"You don't even play the goalie position and you're still blocking me!"

He shrugged. "It takes practice and you'll probably get it down quickly."

She attempted another slap shot and groaned when it slowed to a stop right in front of Adam's stick.

"This blows," she whined in frustration. "I probably can't play defense since everyone would probably just shove me out of the way and I can't play offense since I can't shoot."

"You'll get the hang of it," he reassured her. "Plus, there's other players on the team who you can pass to once you get near the net."

She nodded and he skated over to her, bringing the puck.

"We'll work on your stick handling," he said and they turned around to where he had set up a row of pylons. "Just skate in between those while dribbling the puck. You don't have to go that fast, just get through it."

After he passed the puck to her, she skated over to the start of the cones and started doing what he said. Her stick often missed the puck and the puck would often end up sliding in between her feet and she would groan as she had to turn back to get it.

In the instance when her stick would hit the puck, it would go farther than she wanted and continued sliding on the ice.

"The puck keeps running away!" she complained.

"Go again, you'll get it with practice."

She dribbled the puck slowly back to the start and started again. She thought she was doing better until Adam started yelling corrections at her.

"Loosen your shoulders! Keep your head up! Cradle the puck! Soft hands! Soft hands!"

She sighed heavily when she reached the end of the pylons and turned to face Adam.

"What the heck does soft hands mean?!" she asked in annoyance.

"You're gripping the stick too tightly and shooting the puck rather than sending it forward," he explained.

"These gloves are so thick," Amelia complained. "If I loosen my grip, I won't even be holding the stick anymore."

He rolled his eyes. Amelia had no idea how he still had the patience to teach her considering she kept failing and complaining, but he kept reiterating that she would get it if she kept practicing.

SOMEONE TO YOU, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now