⁰⁵patience, young grasshopper

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chapter 05 」
❝ that's so much work „


AMELIA PULLED ON HER JERSEY OVER HER HEAD and tied her hair into a loose ponytail.

"I'm so excited," she said with a squeal.

"What happened to "I'll probably be benched since I'm new?"" Connie asked.

Amelia was putting on all her equipment while talking to Connie, who was sitting down at the bench, helping Goldberg. The other guys were all messing around to get themselves energized, whereas Connie and Amelia remained civilized.

"I wish I could be benched," Goldberg muttered, before Connie patted his back and pushed him lightly off the bench.

"Don't listen to him," Connie said. "Goldberg's a little lazy when it comes to being a goalie."

"I heard that Connie!"

"Maybe you should stop running away from the puck then!" Connie yelled back.

The two girls chuckled and their attention turned to the entrance when the rest of the team quieted down. They turned to find Adam standing apprehensively at the front of the locker room.

Amelia immediately stood up with a welcoming smile and walked over to his right.

"Hey," she greeted and he shot her a small smile.

"Seriously Lia?" Jesse asked in an accusative tone and she rolled her eyes at his stubbornness. "You're siding with the cake eater?"

"Banks taught me how to play hockey," Amelia said.

Jesse was about to say something―probably fighting words―when Coach Bombay entered the locker room and walked over next to Adam, putting a hand on his back.

"Hey," Bombay greeted, "wasn't sure if you'd show up."

"Whatever. I just wanna play hockey," Adam murmured with a small shrug.

"Good," Bombay said and turned to the rest of the team. "Ducks, you all know Adam Banks."

"On behalf of the Ducks," Charlie started, stepping forward to greet him, "I'd like to say welcome―"

"Cake eater," Jesse spat out, interrupting Charlie.

Amelia rolled her eyes again and glared at Jesse. Charlie seemed to tense from behind him and the rest of them room seemed to be deciding whether to side with their best chance at winning or Jesse.

"Ooh, the Jess-man, dissing the new guy," Averman started. "The Jess-ster―"

"Shut up, Averman!" Jesse yelled.

"It's just a joke."

Jesse sauntered over to Adam and glared at him. "Putting on a Ducks jersey doesn't mean you're a real duck."

He brushed his shoulder as he walked out the locker room. The rest of the team followed, some intentionally hitting shoulders with him, some not intentionally doing so, and some intentionally making sure they didn't.

Adam turned towards the girl on his right. She gave him a small pitiful smile as she walked over to the door.

"See you out there, Banks."

SOMEONE TO YOU, adam banksحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن