²⁰uncharted territory

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chapter 20 」
❝ anything to piss off those meatheads 


"ADAM'S GONNA BE SAD THAT I'm spending my first day back in Minnesota with you guys," Amelia said.

The girls walked through the mall with their shopping bags in hand as they made their way to the food court.

After moving to New York after the summer games, some girl's hockey camp invited her to join, so she attended.

As well as receiving a letter, Adam had told her all about their Eden Hall scholarships in one of their many calls. So of course, Amelia begged her parents to let her go and they agreed.

"He'll get over it," Connie said. "Besides, we start school tomorrow and we need new clothes."

"No we don't," Julie said.

"Fine, but you have to admit this was fun."

Julie and Amelia nodded as they rounded the corner and spotted the boys at a table.

"They look different," Amelia remarked. "And where's Dean?"

"He's still in Chicago, but he should be arriving soon," Julie said. "Fulton's a little heartbroken, y'know?"

"Yeah, I get it I guess," Amelia responded with a chuckle.

The girls walked over to the table where the boys welcomed back Amelia and she high fived some of them before smiling and walking over to Adam.

"Hi," he said, a smile forming on his face.

"Hey. I missed you," she replied with a small pout.

"I missed you, too," he replied.

Dropping her bags on the ground, she wrapped her arms around his neck and the couple kissed, eliciting groans and grumbles from the rest of the team. The two pulled away and continued looking into each other's eyes adoringly.

"Jeez, you've grown taller," she said.

"And you haven't," he teased.

She playfully rolled her eyes.

"Um, hello? Guys we're still here," Averman said.

"Yeah get a room you guys!" Goldberg said.

"Well I tried to be the one to pick her up from the airport, but Connie," Adam said, shooting Connie a look.

Amelia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Connie said you and your dad were busy and couldn't make it."

"Is that what she said?" he asked. Connie laughed sheepishly. "She practically begged me to let her pick you up and when I asked if I could come with her, she sent me on some wild goose chase around town."

"Guilty," the brunette girl said.

Amelia laughed and turned to their teammates.

"You guys finally hit puberty!" she exclaimed as some of the boys hugged her. "Conway, you've grown a lot taller too."

Adam casually wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she reached up and ruffled Charlie's hair.

"Aww, come on Lia," he complained and reached up to fix his hair.

"Dang, your voice dropped too," she said.

"Not the only thing that's dropped," Luis murmured.

The few teammates that heard what he said grimaced and gave him weird looks.

SOMEONE TO YOU, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now