¹⁵schoolyard puck

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chapter 15 」
❝ seems cathartic to check other people


COACH BOMBAY ENTERED THE ROOM TO FIND Amelia sitting on the hospital bed with her legs hanging over the edge, Adam sitting on one of the chairs next to her, and the doctor over at the other side of the room.

"Is she okay?" Bombay asked as he sat in a chair next to Adam.

"She's okay," the doctor started. "We did some tests and there's nothing wrong with the bones, but she does have an overuse injury in her right foot and knee. Given her medical history, it may have been from not fully letting previous injuries recover or just overworking herself.

"It's very mild compared to other athletes we've had before, but I would still recommend lots of rest, stretching, physical therapy, and maybe ibuprofen to help decrease inflammation and pain―if her parents are okay with that."

"How long will she be out for?" Bombay asked.

"Well, she's been able to recover pretty quickly and she's told me that her foot has been feeling better after a day or two in the past, but considering that it's a little more severe this time, I would recommend sitting out for about a week."

"A week?" Amelia asked. "We have two games in the coming week!"

The doctor nodded at her and turned back to the coach, ignoring the two kids.

"I would say four or five days with minimal pressure and two to three days doing very little activity on it. Walking would be fine, but no skating or running. After that week if the symptoms come up again and are about the same as they are now, I would take a few months of rest, but if the symptoms worsen, I'd recommend seeing a doctor," she said.

The doctor walked out the room and came back with a pair of crutches, handing them to Amelia who raised her eyebrows.

"Do I really need crutches?"

"Unless you want to use a wheelchair," Bombay added.

"We offer physical therapy on site and we have ibuprofen here. Make sure to keep your ankle wrapped unless you're cleaning it. I'll leave you guys to discuss your options," she said and walked out the room.

Amelia sighed. "You're seriously not benching me from the next two games, are you?"

Bombay stood up and nodded sternly. "I seriously am. You'll stay off that foot for the next five days and only stick to walking for the last two days."

"Come on Coach," she argued, "can I at least play in the Canada game? It will basically have been a week by then."

"No, you are to rest and attend physical therapy instead of practices unless you want to be sent home. Am I clear?"

The noirette bit the inside of her cheek before nodding.

"Get some rest you guys."

Amelia slid off the bench and used her crutches to leave the room with Bombay holding the door open for them.

When they got back to her dorm, Amelia had to knock on the door since she left her room key with her stuff in the locker room.

Connie opened the door and gasped when she noticed her friend using crutches. The two entered the room and Amelia took a seat on her bed. The rest of the team had gathered in their room to wait for her return.

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