A waitress comes over to take our orders, smiling politely at us while Emma and I decide what we want. She looks confused as we speak in French to each other but once I speak to her in English, relief visibly washes over her face. Poor woman probably thought we were actually about to order in French too.

   As the waitress walks away, Emma starts laughing and I look at her in confusion.

"Qu'est ce qu'il y a de si drôle?" ["What's so funny?"]

"Tu avais un accent quand tu es revenu à l'anglais." She answers me and I start laughing along with her. ["You had an accent when you switched back to English."]

   When I was little my grandparents, on my dad's side, would invite us up to France and spoke French to my dad. I think that's when I decided I wanted to learn French too so I would always make my dad speak it to me so I could learn. I guess that's where I picked up the accent because whenever I do speak in French, people think I actually grew up in France.

   Our food arrived within ten minutes due to the diner being pretty empty. I must say that the service in here is the best I've gotten since moving to London and the food actually tastes amazing. It's kind of hard to find good food close to home but this place is officially on my list of places I'll be coming to more often.

"Alors tu retournes à la domicile quand tu as fini tes examens?" Emma asks me as we eat. ["So are you moving back home when you're done exams?"]

"Je rentre chez moi pour l'été mais je ne recule pas." I tell her my new plan. ["I'm going home for the summer but I'm not moving back."]

"Vous séjournez à Londres?" ["You're staying in London?"]

"Ouais, j'y ai pensé et je pense que je veux rester." ["Yeah, I thought about it and I think I wanna stay."] That's the first time I've told someone that. I haven't talked to my parents yet, or Aunt Heather or anyone because it's only been a thought, I never made a final choice.

"Yay, ça veut dire que tu seras plus proche de moi quand j'irai à Paris l'année prochaine!" Emma says excitedly and now that she mentions that, it makes me want to stay even more. ["Yay, that means you'll be closer to me when I move to Paris next year."]

   We finish eating and split the cheque for what we ate. Afterwards, Emma decides she wants to go driving, so we do just that. We drive for half an hour until we end up at this park. It's big but only a few people are here currently.

"We're going for a walk, c'mon." Emma speaks to me quickly.

   I step out of the car, following behind Emma silently when it hits me. She just told me we're going for a walk in English.

Immediately a smile spreads across my face because- "Ha! I win. You spoke English first."

Her eyes widen in realisation. "Shit." she curses.

"Looks like you're paying for pizza tonight."

   She groans as I hum in satisfaction at her defeat. We walk side by side now, only silent for a moment before Emma brings up a new topic.

"You're still into that show with the people who sing and Simon Cowell is a judge, right?"

"You mean X-Factor? Yeah, why?" I laugh at her description of the show.

   Emma stops walking and pulls out two tickets from her purse.

"Okay good because I know someone who knows someone and ended up with two tickets for a show next Tuesday. Wanna come with?" she grins as she already knows my answer.

Ever Since LA - h.s.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang