IV - their feelings

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The Royal Family was having breakfast at the dining room, and when they finished, they decided to talk, since they were not that busy that day. While they were talking, Ladybug's rumor came to surface as the Princess casually mentioned about it after she heard it from the maids. Her family looked at her with a blank face, they did not understand what she was talking about, so the Princess called over a maid and asked her to explain about Ladybug. The maid complied and described Ladybug's tendency of leaving hints, do part of the workload and leaving advices whenever a problem would arise, a deadline was approaching, or whenever a task seemed impossible to complete. The Royal Family was amused by this person's actions, but they were more surprised by the fact that every time she did something, coincidentally, a ladybug would fly over. Suddenly they heard a voice in the distance, so they asked to open the windows. That's when Luka's voice flowed in in his song. The Royal Family was perplexed. They were wondering who was singing and why. The voice was obviously of a man, it was a passionate and golden voice. It seemed as he wanted to express something by singing this song, therefore they stayed silent so that they could hear the lyrics, when suddenly, an angelic voice joined in and continued singing, and once both of them were singing, the Royal Family felt as they were hypnotized. They were mesmerized by those beautiful voices. The moment the song came to an end the Royal Family was kind of sad, since they enjoyed the song. They would've had wanted to hear more but didn't want to force those people to sing for them, since the song would then lose all feelings. Their silence broke when the Queen suddenly almost shouted that the song was a serenade. She could figure that out because of the emotions she felt when the man sang, and how his tone became brighter when the woman joined in, but the main clue was the lyrics of the song. The Royal Family nodded in agreement and started discussing about what wonderful thing love was.

After the serenade Luka sang to Marinette, she was now embarrassed by the fact that everyone was listening and looking at them, but the thing troubling her the most was this feeling inside her chest, as it felt like her heart would stop and jump out by how fast it was beating. Marinette knew this feeling, however, she was trying to deny it as she didn't have good memories with it in the past, and because of that, she wanted to always be busy with something in order to forget it. Marinette also thought that that feeling would be a burden to her work and prevent her from working efficiently. Even so, she couldn't stop it the moment she met him. The moment she met Luka that feeling came back, and she was afraid. She was afraid the she would get hurt again, and was terrified by the fact that she may not be able to recover from it. Luka was a kind and considerate person, she knew that, he was also pretty honest with his feelings, he was gentle, he was loving, he was caring, and did I say that he was very considerate. There were times when she would see him while she was working, and she got to see all of that, and all of that made her feeling inside her chest intensify. Marinette knew. She knew what that feeling was. She knew that she was in love with Luka. And because it was him, Marinette wanted to try and trust her heart again

On the other side, after Luka ran away from the awkward situation he was in, he found himself behind a corner, screaming internally and groaning while crouching down, his face buried in his arms which rested on his knees. He didn't notice at all that those people were listening to them, he was so embarrassed, but he was more worried about whether or not he caused troubles for Marinette. That feeling, though, was soon discarded away as Luka remembered the way she looked at him with her loving deep blue eyes, and the way she smiled at him that warm and soft smile. While they were singing too, he felt her warmth. Putting all that together, Luka thought to himself that there was a high possibility that he might have a chance with her, and that made him rejoice, making him forget about all the awkwardness he felt moments ago, as he stood up and went back to work.

A day passed and Marinette and Luka were now standing face to face. Now in front of each other, both Marinette and Luka blushed a little and tried to convey their feelings, however, their voices wouldn't come out of their mouth, creating lumps in their throats instead. After an awkward silence in which both of them couldn't speak, they hear their names being called, they both started parting ways and go back to their duties when Luka turned around and grabbed Marinette's wrist gently but strong enough to stop her. He then asked her if they could meet up that evening at the garden, after their works were done. Marinette put her hand on his and said that she would see him later, then Luka let go of her, and their names were being called again, emphasizing that duty was calling them.

When evening came, both Marinette and Luka met up at the garden. Marinette arrived first, then Luka followed. They were both nervous about meeting up, since they both knew what topic they would've had talked about. However, those thought were immediately washed away the moment they were both at the garden. When they saw each other, the starry night and the garden of flowers illuminated by the full moon felt like nothing compared to the view they both saw in front of them.

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