VI - together

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sorry for the late update, I had to catch up with school work during this fall break,

anyways, enjoy the new chapter ;)


Under the moonlight illuminating both the garden and the couple who was in the middle of it, Marinette anxiously told Luka that she was there for him and that she would always stay by his side, as if she was scared that he might run away.  Luka looked into her eyes and said that he knew they would be there for each other, that they would always stay side by side, and that the loved each other, reassuring her that everything would be okay and that whenever she had something troubling her, she could count on him.  The young couple hugged and their warmth spread all over their bodies, and while they were hugging, Luka asked hesitantly if they were an official couple now, if he could tell the others, the whole world, that she was his now, while whispering into her ear with his husky voice, making Marinette feel ticklish and her heart kept pounding by how sexy his voice seemed.  Marinette then looked at him with a shy smile and said that as long as he was fine with her being by his side, then she was alright with it.  Luka then looked at her with loving eyes and said that she was more than enough for him, and that she shouldn't think so little of herself, and then he began showering with compliments such as her being an incredible person, someone people could always rely on and that her heart was so kind and gentle, which made other people feel soothed.

The young couple wanted to spend more time together, but the night was getting darker, meaning that it was getting very late, and that they had to turn in for the day since tomorrow would have been another early work day.  Marinette and Luka walked back towards their rooms when Luka moved his hand which touched Marinette's, he then started intertwining his finger with hers and they ended up holding hands all the way back.  When they reached Marinette's and the other maids' compound, she released her hand from Luka, a bit hesitantly, and started heading in when Luka hugged her from behind, Marinette placed one hand on his arm while the other petted his head.  After a few minutes, they separated themselves from each other, again, this time Marinette kissed his forehead and waved goodnight before heading inside swiftly, so that they wouldn't prolong their time as night was getting even darker.  Luka waved goodnight and started walking back, while Marinette watched him from the window before heading to her room.  The both of them were acting all lovey-dovey, as if they would not see each other for a long time while, instead, they would have eventually met the day after at work.

Marinette was now in her room.  After she changed into her night gown, she plumped on the bed, facing upward.  She looked at the ceiling and tried to process everything that happened in the past hours.  After a few minutes of processing, Marinette was now blushing and giggling into her  pillow, so that she wouldn't disturb the other maids sleeping.  Marinette continued repeating in her head that she was with Luka, that they loved each other, and that her life was going to be much more livelier, all while grinning on the pillow.  After a few minutes passed, in which Marinette calmed herself down, she went to bed, however, all she could think of were beautiful aqua green eyes looking at her lovingly; soft black hair with blue tips fluttering along the wind; broad shoulders which embraced her body with warmth, giving off a feeling of security; the smell of cologne, which gave her a feeling of reassurance; a pair of pink lips that curved into a smile; and the warmth she felt on her lips, as she touched them with her fingers.  Marinette couldn't sleep, as whenever she tried, a certain someone would appear in her dreams, even so, after an hour of struggling to get him out of her head so she could sleep, she gave up, went to sleep, or at least she tried.

On Luka's side, after he entered his room, he crouched down on his knees and covered his face as it was getting redder as the time passed, he couldn't believe it after all, Marinette reciprocated his feelings, she felt the same way.  Luka was happy and he tried to contain his excitement, so that he wouldn't disturb the other servants' sleep, while burying his face on the bedsheets and his face felt so hot he could melt.  When he went to bed, Luka replayed everything that happened at the garden, Marinette's slender figure covered by a white cloth; dark blue hair that caressed her neck; the way she looked at him when he told her how he felt; deep blue eyes that drowned him every time he looked into them; her angelic voice that kept ringing into his ear; her giggles, chuckles, and laugh, that melted his cheeks; her petite figure that made him wanting to protect her; the sweet flowery scent he smelled on her when they hugged; the warmth of her hand that petted his hair; and the warmth of her lips. The warmth Luka felt when her hand petted his hair was one of his favorite, however the thing he loved the most was the warmth of her lips on his, as their breaths were felt on each other's skin and how her lips made him melt away.  Luka was thinking all of that that he didn't realize that an hour already went by, so he tried to sleep, but couldn't, since thoughts of a certain person continued appearing whenever he closed his eyes.  Luka knew he wouldn't be able to remove his thoughts of her, so he tried sleep while thinking of her, which proved to be very diffucult.

The night went by and two certain someone had a hard time trying to sleep as they kept thinking of each other.  And so, tomorrow arrived and the work day routine began.

Your Eyes (lukanette)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora