II - meeting her eyes

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Luka was living with his master since his parents passed away when he was young, leaving him behind with his sister Juleka. Fortunately, they met master, who was kind enough to take custody of them and take care of them somewhere near the Imperial Castle.

Master was now in his seventies and still worked at the castle as the head butler, and because of that, Luka looked at him both as a father figure and a role model figure. He admired his master as he raised him and his sister without any complaints, teaching them etiquettes, manners and whatever knowledge would have been useful for them in the future. However, one day, master asked Luka if he could take after his position as the head butler of the Imperial Castle, and of course, Luka couldn't refuse, since he wanted to pay back his kindness for all those years; even though he was not that confident that he would make a great job as the head butler, he still decided to do his best. As for Juleka, master offered her a place as a maid in the palace. She still was unsure if she could make a great job since her personality was rather introverted, she didn't speak much and didn't know how to interact with other people, but the same as her brother, she decided that she would work hard and do the best she could. Master looked at them with loving eyes, as how a doting parent would look at his children, he considered them his family, and that made him happy for them, proud of what they've become, but also sad, as to how a father would feel when not being able to see his children because of their work. They decided to spend their time as a family before their work-life at the palace would start.

Time passed, and it was the day Luka and Juleka would be introduced to their duties at the castle, Luka by his master and Juleka by the head maid. When master introduced Luka to the head maid, Luka was surprised by the beautiful view he saw when they met eyes. The young woman stood in front of him, dark blue hair that caressed her skin till her shoulders, deep blue eyes, as deep as the ocean, that made him drown into her eyes, and a slender and petite figure that seemed she would break at any time because of how delicate she appeared. The moment he looked into her eyes, he saw flowers blooming around her, from that moment they never looked away, staring into each other's eyes, but that was until master dry coughed, and broke their stare. Afterward, they greeted each other and Luka came to know her name was Marinette, Marinette Dupen-Cheng. He engraved that name both in his mind and heart. It was time for Luka and his master to go, and Luka felt a bit sad since he had to part ways with Marinette; he proceeded with master, but not before glancing back to the bluenette behind him, which did the same; when he turned back, he felt master snickering beside him, then he noticed that his face felt hot and his cheeks were flushed pink, out of embarrassment, he looked away, and they continued their stroll. As their day at the castle came to an end, Luka decided to ask about the beautiful woman he would be working with after pondering about whether or not to ask, with the pretense of having to know more about the people he would be working with. Master looked at Luka who was all jittery, and smirked at him, Luka saw his smirk and flushed pink while averting his eyes, but even so, master told him about what an outstanding person Marinette was; about her serious but sophisticated and yet sometimes upfront personality; the fact that she was reliable and devoted to her job; the fact that she was your everyday hero and role model to all the servants of the castle; and about her knowing everyone and helping whoever was in need regardless of who they were. Luka was amused. She not only was everyone's role model and hero, she just kept doing her job as she always did, always helping others and boosting the servants' morale. At that moment he understood. Luka understood that he was attracted to her. He understood that he needed her, he wanted her. He understood he was in love with her: he loved Marinette.

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