I - meeting his eyes

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It was Marinette's typical day of work at the imperial palace.  Wake up early, instruct the other maid to their duties, assist the Royal Family, and make the royal castle presentable to guests.   Today was just like any other day, she would help the maids in need of help or anyone else, being either at the stalls taking care of the horses; at the garden taking care of the flowers; at the training ground preparing refreshments for the knights in training; at the kitchen helping refining recipes, since she was the daughter of a baker; or at the castle and assist her masters to the best of her ability.  All in all, she was rather busy.  But little did she know about the rumors that were spreading around.  A rumor about an everyday hero at the castle, called: Ladybug.

Marinette was just doing her job.  She has not yet realized that her acts of benevolence were stirring up the hearts of the people at the Royal Palace, making them believe that there was a mysterious hero in disguise among them, and she wouldn't have known the rumor about hints, such as notes, being left behind; part of the workload being done; and pieces of advice written on paper in the form of a letter.  Those appeared or happened whenever a problem would arise, a deadline was approaching or whenever a task seemed impossible to complete - which were all done by the generous head maid Marinette when she saw other servants busy or in trouble.  Whenever people tried to investigate who their hero was, a ladybug would fly around and rest beside those hints, works, or letters for a bit, before flying away and join nature outside, that's how the Ladybug rumor came to birth, and no one had ever known that their Ladybug was their head maid Marinette.

One day, the head butler decided to retire due to his old age and let his apprentice take over him.  Marinette was introduced to the new head butler, her deep blue eyes met aqua green ones and then, she felt a spark.  For a split second, she could see sparkles around the tall young man in a butler suit, broad shoulders, long legs, aqua green eyes and black hair with blue tips at the end.  Marinette stared at the man in front of him as he stared back, until their stare broke after the former head butler dry coughed to gain their attention, and then introduced the man.  His name was Luka, Luka Couffaine, he said as he bowed, then Marinette introduced herself as she bowed too.  The former head butler then showed Luka around, so they parted ways, but not before exchanging a last glance to each other.  Marinette didn't know what that feeling was, the feeling where her face would heat up and her stomach feel ticklish, even so, she discarded that feeling so that she could focus on her work of teaching the new maids, and help them whenever they didn't understand something.  On the other side, Luka had his cheeks flushed pink after turning around in the opposite direction of Marinette, his master saw his face and chuckled while Luka turned his face away.  After master finished showing Luka around, Luka asked more about the head maid, in the pretense that they would be working together, so he should know more about her, master smirked at him and Luka flushed pink, but still told him about her being the serious, calm and sophisticated head maid, a role model to all the other maids in the castle and the so called everyday hero in the palace. He also added that Marinette was always busy helping others and that she knew all the people working at the castle, meaning that she was an outstanding, but very busy person.  Luka was amused.  She not only was everyone's role model and hero, she just kept doing her job as she always did, always helping others and boosting the servants' morale.

The next day was Luka's first day of work.  He prepared himself and went to work, and there he saw her doing the laundry, her beautiful dark blue hair reflecting the sun and fluttering along the wind breeze, and when she looked his way, her eyes were shining and sparkling because of the sun, making her deep blue eyes look like clean deep blue water reflecting rays of light.  They looked at each other, eyes wide for a few minutes, before the wind blew in between them, breaking their stare which made both of them look away.  After that, Luka approached Marinette as she gazed into his direction as he approached, and now he was towering her, underneath a tree; looking down at her petite figure, he leaned his arm on the tree, his hand above her head, there he greeted her, at first he complimented the weather, saying that it was a beautiful day, which she agreed.  Luka then followed his statement with complimenting her, saying she was more beautiful than the weather while holding her chin up with his free hand.  Marinette flushed a faint shade of pink before counterattacking and said that of course she knew she was beautiful, looking at him smugly, Luka chuckled.  Afterwards, Marinette started fixing Luka's butler suit and continued by casually mentioning morning duties, he jumped back, realizing that he was almost late for his first day at work.  Luka went away, but not before winking goodbye to her.

After that, Marinette could finally feel the intense stares behind her screaming for gossip, they surrounded Marinette and asked questions about who he was and why they were flirting in broad daylight in the middle of work.  Marinette answered, mentioning that he was the new head butler and that she met him yesterday, but still didn't know why he flirted with her first thing in the morning, but the maids squealed and said altogether that he was in love with her, with heart eyes they looked at her, they wanted to know if she liked him too, but Marinette was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say, the maids looked at her with slightly annoyed face at how naive their head maid was being, Marinette then shushed them and made them go back to work.  Little did she know, a certain Juleka saw all that happen and was ready to tease her brother for it and work as a matchmaker, since she still wanted her brother to be happy.

The day went by and Marinette and Luka had no time to bump into each other as they were busy preparing for the incoming tea party of the Princess.

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