He nods and rings the doorbell

We wait for a while before we hear footsteps running to the door

"Louis, my man. I haven't seen you in ages! What's up?" He said giving him a hug and pulling him inside.

I went in after them and followed them to the backyards where Stan was leading him.

"Mate, I'm glad to see you too, but you haven't even said hi to Harry" Louis said slipping from his grasp

"Oh, no that's okay. You guys catch up, I don't mind" I said

Louis ignored me and took my hand leading me outside where Stan was

"Harry this is Stan, Stan this is Harry" he said.

I stuck my hand out for him to shake but he just turned around and opened up a cooler, and grabbed 2 beers.

"Hey Henry. So Louis tell me about the band you're in, is it better than out old one? I doubt it" Stan laughed

"I'm more than happy to tell you everything, but how about showing Harry some fucking hospitality?" Louis snapped

Stan just stared at him blankly

"You only got us drinks, you didn't even say hi to him until I told you to, fuck, you didn't even call him by the right name. I thought you would have gotten nicer, but you're just the same asshole as months ago. Were leaving, call me when you learn some goddamn manners" he said grabbing my hand and leading us out to the front door

"Hey Lou, it's okay. Calm down, he's just excited to see you" I said

"No, don't try to defend him. I don't want anything to do with him if he's going to treat you like shit" he said

"Wait don't leave. I'm sorry Louis" he said

"Don't fucking apologize to me" he snapped back

"Harry, mate, I'm sorry" he said

"No, it's fine, I get it" I shrugged

Louis pulled me in close to his side and whispered

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to put up with his shit. He's always been like that"

"It's okay Lou" I replied giving him a soft smile

Louis let out a shakey breath and we sat down on the wicker couch outside on his patio

"So how do you guys like the band?" Stan finally spoke up, despite the elephant in the room

Louis didn't talk, instead he just took a sip from his glass

"It's great, we've met some nice lads. We're super busy all the time between recording and performances but it's fun" I said smiling. I just realized now how much I miss the boys.

"Yeah, definitely a once in a lifetime experience" Louis added

We talked for a while longer until Louis spoke up

"I uh, I have to tell you something mate" he stuttered

"Yeah?" Stan answered

"I didn't really want to come here because, however you want to put it, you are toxic. You're a very toxic friend. You are homophobic and sexist and racist, and when I left to go to the Xfactor I thought I left all this behind. But we have been friends for as long as I can remember so I decided you deserve to know. I'm not asking you to change, I'm not. Quite frankly I don't think you can. You've been raised to think that's normal. Maybe things will go diffrent when I tell you that I'm one of the people you hate the most, because if you were a real friend you wouldn't care" he explained, looking at Stan with a serious expression

"Harry and I are dating" he said after a small pause

Stan looked shocked, while I was just surprised Louis came up with all that on the spot, he was very well spoken.

"So you're telling me-" Stan began

He shifted his seating position so that his forearms were resting on his knees, and he was leaning forward

"That you're a faggot" he finished, and I felt Louis heart break from that response

I was expecting him to yell at Stan, but instead he just stood up without a word

"Come on Harry, were going home"

I stood up and reached for his hand, which he gladly took.

"So you're picking him over me? We've been friends for years, you guys are just gonna be a measly fling" he said

"I shouldn't have to pick between you 2. If you actually cared about me and my feelings you wouldn't care that I have a boyfriend. And no, we aren't a fling, we love eachother. I don't deserve any more explanations, you aren't worth our time" Louis explained, and with that we walked out of the door and sat in his car

"I'm proud of you Lou. I know that was hard but I think that was the right decision" I said softly while he turned around the corner back onto the road

"I should have done that a long time ago, he was so toxic before the Xfactor"

I just smiled and lifted up the hand on my leg to my lips, placing a tender kiss on the back of his hand

"I love you boo" I giggled

"I love you too Hazzy" he replied smiling

We drove back to Louis place, picking up some Nandos on the way back for the family.

A/N: hey, what's up? How do u like the story?
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