Chapter 12

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Parking up outside of the building that could only be discribed as a multi-million mansion, Katara watched with wide eyes before she snapped out of her shock, turning towards her friend as she asked if he was ready to do this. Zuko, taking a deep and calming breath, hesitantly nodded "let's just get this over with" he mumbled, earning a smile from both the younger teenager and his uncle. Hopping out of the car, the three made their way towards the large front door which, as they approached, opened up to reveal a very well dressed man "master Iroh, master Zuko" he greeted politely, bowing in respect "a pleasure to see you both again". Feeling awkward by the act and formal names as they entered the building, Zuko merely nodded in return while Iroh smiled, greeting the man back happily who turned towards the youngest there "and who might you be, young lady??" he asked kindly; Katara revealed a polite smile of her, introducing herself before her boss added how she was both a close friend and a work colleague. "Master Ozai is in his study" the butler stated, remaining as professional as ever "he requests that I show you to where Mistriss Ursa's belongings are so that you might look through them and take what you wish" he explained; Zuko nodded in understanding, speaking up only to ask if his sister and her friend's were also somewhere within the mansion "they're out shopping at the moment, but should be back within half an hour". Sighing, the seventeen year old turned to both his friend and uncle who both send him a smile. Before they could move, however, Iroh spoke up as he suggested the two teenager's do what they need to do while he checks in with his younger brother "we'll leave in an hour, agreed??" he suggested, earning two nods; Zuko couldn't help but thing that was still to much time to be back at his old home, wishing to leave as soon as possible. Especially as his sister and her two friends's - one of which was his ex - would be arriving within half the agreed time. Never the less, Iroh wished the pair good luck as he turned and headed in the direction of Ozai's private study; Zuko found himself letting out yet another sigh before sending his friend a smile as she lay a hand on his shoulder in an act of comfort "come on" she encouraged "the sooner we do this, the sooner we can leave". Following the butler as he guided the teenager's through the mansion, Zuko couldn't stop his eyes from wandering around at their surroundings, recalling what each room was and where each hallway led to. He might hate the building now, but it still held many good memories that he cherished. Like those that involved his mother, the ones of when his father wasn't an absolute money and power obsessed bastard, when he and his sister had their good moments of getting along, etc.

Stopping before a door, the butler turned to the two teenagers and told them to pull the rope by the door if they needed anything; Zuko nodded, thanking his for his service before excusing the kind butler who turned and left to return to his previous duties - not before bowing, of course. "I'll never get used to the whole bowing and master/mistress thing" Katara stated in a hushed voice, leaning closer to her friend as she didn't want anyone to hear and take offence to her words; Zuko agreed, stated how it had always made him feel uncomfortable. Opening the door, the pair climbed up the revealed stair case and found themselves entering the attic; Zuko reached over and flicked the switch on the wall, lighting up the room which allowed them to see ten cardboard boxes, all labelled 'Ursa's things'. Katara glanced around, voicing the thought that she had been expecting a lot more "mum took roughly a large suitcase and a back pack worth of her more important belongings when she left" Zuko explained as he shrugged off his jacket, resting it on the small desk in the corner of the attic "and she wasn't overly sentimental anyway, though she did keep a lot of photos, but I don't know if she took them with her or not". Patting her friend on the shoulder, Katara followed his actions in removing her jacket "let's get started" the older teenager forced out as he approached the boxed and grabbed on, sitting down on the oak wooden floor as he opened it up and began to rummage through; Katara did the same, sitting cross-legged less than a few feet away from his as she spoke up "just double checking, you're alright with me going through these, right??" she questioned, wanting to be sure as she knew how important the contense of the boxes were. Smiling at how cute he found her words and expression to be, Zuko nodded "just show me what you find and I'll say whether I want it or not" he stated, adding that they would place whatever he was taking into one of the boxes once they emptied it. And with that, their arranged plan began. They looked through the boxes, showing one another and smiling as Zuko revealed a memory of his mother before deciding whether he wanted the item or not. It was sometimes a difficult decision, forcing him to take a minute or two in order to think; Katara remained silent during those many few minutes, allowing the time to mentally argue with himself before revealing his decision. Even though there were only ten medium sized boxes full of different items, it still took them longer than Zuko had originally thought it would. How glad he was that Katara had offered to help him!! Not only for speeding up the somewhat nice yet depressing task by half the time it would have taken him to handle if he were on his own, but for also being the emotional support that she always seemed to be exceptionally talented at.

Work Family (Zutara)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora