Chapter 1

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"Sokka!! Get out of the bathroom already!!" this yell followed three very loud and hard bangs against the locked bathroom door as Katara had two towels draped over one of her arms, waiting for her annoying older brother to finish with the shower. "Sokka!! You're gonna be late for Uni!!" was her second shout and it was one that always worked; her brother might not show it often, but he valued school....most of the time anyway. Seconds later, the shower could be heard stopping, followed by a few more seconds before the door swung open revealing her eighteen year old brother with a towel wrapped around her waist and another being used to hand dry his hair "thanks for the reminder baby sis, the showers all yours" and with that, he moved out of her way "thanks big bro". They might get on each other's nerves and argue at times, but they loved each other unconditionally and would do anything for one another. "I made you some breakfast!! It's on the table!!" Katara yelled as she entered the bathroom; she could practically hear Sokka's grin "thanks!!". Closing and locking the door, the sixteen year old stripped out of her pyjamas and turned the shower on before allowing it to reach the correct temperature. Unlike her brother, she liked a cool shower, not boiling hot. Humming a random song to herself, Katara washed her hair and cleaned her body, as well as shaving her armpits before turning the water off and stepping onto the mat. All under five minutes; beat that Sokka!! Wrapping a towel around her thin yet talk frame, Katara wrapped her hair up with the other before brushing her teeth, applying some face cream; her face could become really dry without it. Once done, the girl grabbed her pyjamas from tbe floor, unlocked the door and returned to her room before drying her body and changing into some clothes. She lay the towels on the radiator before towel drying her hair so that it was just a little bit damp, brushed out any knots and going for her usual look: half of it up in a ponytail and two loops. After that, she applied a little bit of makeup - mascara, a little eye liner and lipstick - before adding her blue necklace that belonged to her mother many years ago. Smiling, Katara grabbed her phone, earphones and wallet, popping them in a small shoulder bag before leaving her room for the kitchen. There, the teen saw her brother sat at the table, rushing to finish his bacon cob as he looked at his phone "thanks again Kat, I thought I wouldn't have time for breakfast" Sokka stated, turning away from his phone with a smile; it was returned "it's fine as always, they one over there is for Suki by the way". Suki is Sokka's girlfriend of six months; they met at Uni seven months ago and really hit it off, clearly. After making a comment about how his little sister was so sweet, Sokka brought up a topic that he didn't entirely like; Katara getting a job. "You know I need to Sokka, we can't always rely on dad's income" she had a always "besides, I'm bored!! For the past year, there's been nothing to do!! Aang and Toph are still in high school and they're my only friends!! Jet has college too!!" she exclaimed. Who is this Jet you ask?? He's Katara two month boyfriend. They met at a party that Sokka had thrown for his Uni friends and one of them had brought Jet along, they got talking once Katara arrived - she wasn't too happy about how many people were in her home but decided to just stay in her room - he immediately took an interest. "Getting a job will get me out of the house and maybe earn me some more friends" again, she had a point; Sokka sighed "I can't stop you but...just pick wisely and nothing dangerous or anything like that". He was worried about her, bless; it wasn't normal for a sixteen year old having to find a full time job. "I could get a job, a part time one" he suggested again, but the eighteen year olds sister shook her head "we've been over this Sokka, you need to focus on Uni" she stated "or do you want a repeat of high school" they both cringed at the thought. Sokka didn't focus well in high school, resulting in him failing most of his exams; he was only accepted into college because he was a talented chef who proved he could cook and bake. "No, with dad's income and my own soon hopefully coming in, we'll be fine" the young man gave Katara a blank look "mostly fine anyway". Look at her phone to see it was 9:30 am, the girl reminded Sokka that he needed to get to Uni as it started in thirty minute; he shoved the rest of his bacon cob in his mouth before throwing his back pack over hos shoulder, followed by grabbing his helmet and his girlfriends breakfast as he ran past the girl, halting momentarily to kiss her on the cheek and say "love you". Smiling, Katara returned the statement before her brother ran out the door and towards his parked motorbike, hopping on, placing the helmet on his head before driving off.

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