Chapter 11

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Before long, the rest of the week had passed by and the morning of Sunday arrived. Waking up to her alarm, Katara reached over and shut it off before sitting up, rubbing her eyes in order to rid them of sleep as she stood up from her comfortable bed. It was ten O clock in the morning and the girl had till one O clock to get ready before Iroh and Zuko were to pick her up for the uncertain day. They were going over to the seventeen year old's childhood home to search through his mother's stored away belongings; that alone was going to difficult, but they also had to deal with Azula, Ty-Lee, Mia and possibly Zuko's father, Ozai. The teenage boy was sure the three young women would try to cause both he and Katara some trouble and had warned his friend as much, reassuring her that she didn't have to join them; the sixteen year old merely smiled as she heard this and stated how she had already put the plan in her diary and wasn't going to cross it out. Entering the main area of the apartment, Katara was greeted by the familiar sight of Sokka standing at the stove, cooking something that smelt delicious, while his girlfriend was sat at the island, looking through a large amount of papers and writing stuff down. "Morning" the youngest of the three greeted as she walked over towards the kettle, fixing herself a cup of warm coffee; her brother and Suki sent the girl a smile as they returned the greeting "hungry for a fry up??" Sokka asked, earning a nod as the sixteen year old's stomach silently growled. Taking a seat beside the older girl, Katara cradled her cup of glorious coffee to her chest as she started a conversation, asking Suki what she was working on "I have to complete an essay for one of my uni classes" she explained as she ran her fingers through her short brown hair as an act of stress "but my dick of a professor emailed out the wrong hand in date, telling the whole class that it was due this time next month when actually it's due Wednesday evening!!". While it was a terrible mistake, Katara reassured her friend that, if anyone could put together a grade A essay within four days, it was her. "Thanks hun" Suki smiled, glancing back down at her paper sources before gathering them up and placing them into a neat pile, moving them away as she noticed her boyfriend begin the plate up the food he had finished cooking; the two girls took their offered plate, adding whatever sause they wanted before all three sat down at the island. "So what have you got planned for today, Katara??" Sokka questioned as he chewed and swallowed the scrambled egg which earned him two disapproving looks, mention how the cafe was unusually closed; the sixteen year old shook her head fondly at her brother before explaining her arranged plans with her two work colleagues.

After enjoying a lengthy breakfast with her brother and future sister-in-law, Katara washed the dishes before making a B-line for her room where she collected her clean towels; she entered the bathroom and stripped out of her pajamas, stepping into the shower once she had found the temperature she wanted the water to be. Washing both her long dark hair and thin framed body, Katara shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her body and another around her hair before standing in front of the sink where she proceeded to brush her teeth and apply a face cream. Returning to her bedroom, the teenager sat down at her desk and plugged in and turned on her hair dryer; it took less than ten minutes before her hair was dry, to which she moved onto her hair straighteners which took nearly half an hour. Satisfied, Katara stood up and rummaged through her wardrobe before pulling out a pair of blue jeans, a white vest top and a blue and white checkered shirt; she threw on the clothes, her body having now dried, before applying some mascara, eye liner and nude lipstick. Glancing down at her phone, the girl realised that the time was half eleven; she still had plenty of time before Iroh was to pick her up with his nephew. Unlocking her phone and gazing through her contacts, Katara soon found one of her friend's numbers and pressed call; she listened as her phone rung three times before finally, a voice greeted her from the other end. "Hey Aang" she returned the kind and excited greeting just as easily; her younger friend, walking through the streets of their town, asked how the girl was doing. They shared pleasantries, asking what the other was up to - turns out the young bold teenager had just left his martial arts class that he attends even Tuesday evening and Sunday morning, now going to meet Toph for some lunch at the usual diner they like; Katara partly wished she could join her two school friend's, but would never go back on her word to help Zuko, especially as they also got to hang out whilst they rummage through his mother's old belongings. "Over here twinkle toes!!" Katara heard Toph yell out through the phone as her friend entered the diner, chuckling to herself in amusement "I'll let you enjoy your dinner date" she teased, knowing Aang was turning a bright shade of pink as he stuttered out a protest to her words. Saying goodbye, the pair hung up and Katara checked the time once more; it was now twelve, leaving her one more hour before the arrange pick up time; she groaned to herself, feeling that the time was dragging as she grew more restless to see her related friends, especially the younger of the two.

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