Chapter 8

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Two stressful weeks passed by for both the work friends. Katara had to go down the the police station to make a formal statement which was recorded, as well as have her injuries photographs; the officer who had been given her case was a hundred percent certain Jet would be found guilty - he was pleading 'not guilty' so they all had to go to trial to prove of the attack. With her work colleagues as witnessing, as well as the cafe's CCTV, Jet would be locked up in a cell by the end of the trial day. On top of that, the young sixteen year old had to deal with her brother who still wanted to kill her ex; he wanted her to stay at home, even offering to take a week off from Uni so that he could stay with her - she told him that she didn't want to stay trapped at the apartment, as well as that he was not missing his lectures and practicals for anything!! And of course, she had work. Iroh wished for her to take a few days to "recover" form the attack, but the girl really didn't want to as - like previously said - she would be stuck at home which she didn't want. The cafe owner understood of course and was more than happy for Katara to attend her work - his nephew certainly was; Zuko had been worried for his new friend, keeping an eye on her when she was working. The trial was in a couple of days time. For now, however, they were in the middle of cleaning up the cafe after the lunch rush had finally passed; there was only three people in 'The Fire Dragon' so Iroh told his two employee's to get some lunch and to take a break. Both teenagers happily complied as Zuko made them a sandwich each and grabbed some crisps whilst Katara prepared them both a mug of their favourite teas and plated up a slice of chocolate cake. Once their lunches were ready, the two friends met up in the staff room and sat down on the sofa as they began to eat, opening to a conversation of a multiple of things - work, personal lives and the TV show they had each discovered they were both obsessed with which was 'Man Woman Wild'. 

"Have you heard anymore about the trial?" Zuko asked as he took a gulp of his tea; the teenage girl shook her head "nothing other than the date and that Jet will probably do time" she explained "are you sure you and your uncle can attend?? You don't have to". The older teenager reassured his friend that they would definitely be there for the girl, even if they were eye witnesses or not. "Going off of the depressing topic, how's life been for you??" Katara asked as she began to eat some of her crisps; Zuko chuckled rather awkwardly "yeah...not exactly going off of the depressing topic" he explained, earning a concerned raised brow from his work mate "nothing serious or anything, just....well I don't really have a life outside of The Dragon Fire, no friends other than you". Katara knew that the older teenager didn't have many friends, but none other than herself?! "Hmm" she began to think, catching the boys attention as he raised a brow in her direction "you and I are quite alike in that department, other than you, my brother and his girlfriend, I don't hang out with anyone else" she explained "I have three other friends but because they're still in high school, I don't see them very often". This surprised Zuko as his friend seemed to be such a social butterfly, able to carry a conversation with any of the customers and have them liking her within seconds; how does she have so little friend?? As if she was able to read his mind, Katara spoke up once again "it partly to do with Jet of course" she sighed "he hated me spending time with anyone else other than him, especially guys...I'm pretty sure he only just accepted my time with Sokka and Suki, but only because they're family and I live with them". Zuko could feel his hatred for the girl's ex increase, though he swallowed it down with some of his sandwich "but I can't blame him completely for my lack of a social life, we live in a small town and everyone knows everyone...I always just kept to myself, that's why I finished education early" she smiled. 

The seventeen year old listened as he ate, smiling at his positive colleague "well I wish I was more optimistic as you" he sighed, earning a concerned glance from the girl "relax, nothing as serious as your situation" he attempted to reassure "just been a rough few days with work and thinking about my dad". This surprised Katara as she sat up a little bit straighter " don't talk about your dad very much" she stated as she held her cup in her lap; he sighed, knowing she was right "we...don't get along, that's apart of the reason as to why I live with my uncle Iroh" he explained "my mum....she left when I was eleven, just woke up and she was dad was already a rather cold man but after that....he completely stopped being my father, though not to my sister". The surprise on the young girls face couldn't be hidden and Zuko realised just how little his friend knew of his more private and personal life "you have a sister??" Katara questioned, earning a nod "yeah, she's only older by a year but she's a real evil daddy's girl so I don't really have anything to do with either of them". Before they could continue having the personal conversation, they realised that their lunch break was over and hurried to get back to work; Katara entered the kitchen to start on the chocolate cake she had learnt to bake thanks to her brother - Iroh had loved it enough to add it to their collection. Zuko joined his uncle out at the front to serve the drinks and baked goods; he explained to the cafe owner what their friend had said about the court. "Of course we'll be there!!" Iroh stated as he bagged up a couples order to go "we'll even bring some tea and cookies". He believed that tea could fix near to everything....and honestly, he wasn't completely wrong. For the rest of the day, the three work friends continued their jobs until it was time to close up for the night; they were in the middle of cleaning up when Iroh's phone rung out from his office. Minutes later, the old man rushed out of the room with his car keys and coat in hand "my apolagise you two but I need to go" he explained as he placed a few different bakes goods into a paper bag "a friend of mine's son has been rushed to hosptial and their family are out of town so I'm going down to the hospital to find out what's happening and see how he is". Reassuring his uncle that he didn't seen to apolagise, he wished his friend's son to be alright; Kanan, who had gone behind the counter, returned with a flask full of piping hot tea - her bosses favourite. She handed it to the man who returned her smile with a grateful one of his own "thank you my dear" he took the flask happily "you are both angels" and with that, he began to make his way towards the door as he spoke to his nephew "don't forget to lock up, I should be back before ten O clock tonight". Zuko nodded, reassuring his uncle that all would be fine before Iroh left the cafe; his car was parked in the street.

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