Chapter 13

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Upon their return to the cafe, Zuko and Katara both unloaded the boot of the car and carried it up to the teenage boys room while Iroh, afterwards, took the car to run some errands. Having taken a small guess as to if his friend would stay for a while or not, Zuko had made sure to clean his room the night before. As they sat on the floor and went through the items they had brought from the young man's childhood home, the pair organised what would stay in the room and what would be put in a box to be stored up in the attic; they allowed some music to play in the background as they worked. As soon as they were finished, Katara went down to the cafe were she grabbed a few delicious treats and made a drink for the pair while her friend prepared Netflix, finding the show they had begun watching not too long ago. As soon as the girl returned, she sat herself on the bed beside Zuko and placed the drinks down on the bedside tables, the food on the cover before them. For the next few hours, the pair enjoyed one another's company as they watched the investigators try to find the long lost killer. Katara wasn't an idiot. Her friend, while he was putting up a good front, had found returning to his childhood home difficult; having to see his crazy sister didn't help things either. He merely wanted to forget that part of the day, as well as the upcoming family reunion banquette. So that's what Katara did. She made no mention of it and was sure to talk about anything else: the show they were watching, her brother and Suki, the cafe, Iroh, etc. It appeared to work too, as Zuko's mood picked up and his smile could be seen much more. But Zuko wasn't an idiot either. He knew exactly what the sixteen year old was doing and, honestly, he was more than grateful for it.

"I've got to admit, I didn't see that one coming" Zuko stated as the last episode of the second series of their show ended; Katara nodded in agreement as she stretched out her limps, having ended up lying down on the bed half way through the series. While chatting about the show, the two's attention was caught by the sound of the front door opening and shutting, followed by a familiar voice calling out and declaring "I'm back!". Standing up from the bed, the two friends made their way out to the main area were they greeted Iroh; Zuko questioned his uncle about his errands as they had taken over three hours "just doing a few favours for some friends" the elder man reassured "then I went to the supermarket and grabbed some ingredients for dinner - spaghetti bolognaise! Your favourite!" he exclaimed with happiness. Zuko's face lit up as, in his eyes, there was nothing better than his uncle's spaghetti bolognaise! "Well, it's been lovely gentlemen but I better get back home" Katara stated "Sokka's taking Suki out for their two year anniversary so I've got the apartment to myself for awhile". Upon hearing such news, Iroh instantly asked if the girl wished to stay with them for dinner "the more, the merrier!" he exclaimed; the three chuckled, but the sixteen year old politely declined "thank you, but sort of have plans myself" she explained. Raising a brow as she hadn't mentioned anything about any plans, Zuko remained silent while his uncle teased the thought of the girl having a special date; Katara let out a chuckle as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Her silent friend suddenly becoming somewhat tense was missed, though not by the elder man. "Nothing like that" Katara explained how she and her father planned to face time at eight O clock as it was the only time he was free due to the strict army schedule. Was it strange that Zuko felt relieved to hear his best friend's plans with her father? He wasn't sure. "That sounds lovely, my dear" Iroh smiled, embracing the girl as he asked if she wanted a lift back home; Katara reassured him that she would be fine as it wasn't too dark out yet. "I'll walk you out" Zuko offered as his friend grabbed her bag and jacket from his room. Saying their goodbyes, Iroh moved over to the kitchen to begin his and his nephew's dinner while the two teenagers went downstairs towards the door; Katara threw on her jacket before embracing her friend. "Thank you for today" Zuko spoke as they held one another "going back there...if would have been a lot harder if you weren't with me" he admitted; Katara smiled into the crook of the seventeen year old's neck, mumbling out how he could turn to her for anything and that she'd be there "and try not to worry about the banquette too much" she suggested, reassuring him that he would be okay. "You sure you don't want a lift? Or want me to walk you home?" Zuko questioned as he noticed how the sky was getting darker and darker by the minute, yet the young girl shook her head with a smile "I like to walk, you know that" she reminded, adding how it would be a waste of journey for him "I'll be fine". Knowing there was no changing the girl's mind, Zuko gave in but requested she message or call him once she got home "don't I always?" she questioned with a smirk, earning a cheeky grin in return as the man couldn't deny that she was right. That was their little system. When Katara left to return home from them either hanging out or working, she always sent a message to the seventeen year old that she was in the safety of her apartment. Leaning over, Katara placed a gentle kiss to her friend's cheek, pulling away with a smile "see you tomorrow for work" and with that, the girl turned and began to make her way down the street in the direction of her home. Zuko felt his cheeks turn a light shade of pink as he watched her leave, a small smile of his own forming as he made his way back up to the apartment, being sure to lock up after him.

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