Chapter 7

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Half past five soon rolled around - the time Katara was relieved of her duties for the day; she threw on her jacket and placed her small bag around her shoulder. "Thanks for your help today...and sorry about what happened" Katara spoke as she, her boss and coworker sat down at one of the tables to talk once all of the cleaning up was complete "you're welcome my dear" Iroh sent the teen girl a smile of reassurance "and none of what happened today was your fault, that boy was plain childish, disgusting and should have never given him the time of day". Katara sent her own sad smile as she fidgeted with her hands "yeah...he was really sweet at the beginning but then he....I don't know...he changed" she blankly chuckled but now real emotion was behind it "I became....something he had won and was showing off but...didn't actually care about" she couldn't help but let out a rather sad and depressed sigh. Zuko placed his hand on his new friend's shoulder and rubbed it "he didn't deserve you Katara, he should have never ever treated you the way he did or even thought about raising his hand to you" the sixteen year old sent her coworker a small smile as she took a deep breath "yeah...I know" there was a hint of doubt in her voice but she continued to speak before either men could correct her thoughts . "Well...I better head on home" Katara stated as she stood up with the uncle and nephew "I have to talk to Sokka and Suki about what happened today which...I'm really not looking forward to" who could blame her?? Iroh gave the teen a small embrace like he always did "stay safe my dear" he really was extremely caring "I will Iroh". Next up was Zuko - he stood in front of the girl "are you sure you're going to be okay??" he asked, worry clearly mixed in his voice; the sixteen year old took a deep breath as she shrugged "I...I really don't know" she answered truthfully "I did care for Jet, I wouldn't have been with him if I didn't....but in a way, I always knew we weren't going to last" she sighed "I just didn't know how to end it". Knowing how the girl felt, Zuko gently wrapped his arms around her thin frame "it'll be okay, better'll just take time" he promised "message me when you get home?? So I and Uncle Iroh know you're safe" he asked earning a nod as Katara returned the embrace "of course, thanks for everything Zuko". And with that, the two close friends parted ways as the young girl made her way out of the shop; she put her earphones in before playing her favourite playlist which Zuko actually helped her to put together. 

Upon arriving home, Sokka and Suki were in the kitchen - as usual; the girls brother was cooking a new dish for their dinner whilst his girlfriend was sat at the table, watching and keeping him company. "Hey Katara!!" the man called out once he heard the front door open and close; Suki stood to hug the teen when her eyes landed on the already forming bruises on her face "oh my god!!" she exclaimed as she rushed over "what happened?!". Turning away from the food, Sokka followed his girlfriend before his eyes widened with horror - his little sister had been hurt!! Gently cupping her face, the older teenager examined the injury - her cheek bone was beginning to bruise, her lip was cut but seemed to be scabbing over; he also noticed that her wrist was also slightly bruised. "What the hell happened Katara?!" Suki asked as her boyfriend guided the sixteen year old over to the table where he sat her down before kneeling before her, still holding her hands; Katara took a deep breath before beginning the explanation. To say Sokka was prepared to find Jet and murder him, slowly and full of pain, was an understatement; Suki managed to control her boyfriend, though it helped when Katara added that the police had been called and had taken Jet well as that Zuko, when saving her, had beaten him to a pulp. Taking deep, calming breaths, Sokka pulled his sister into a tight hug "why didn't you call me?? I would have come and picked you up" he asked, trying to ease his upset and worry; the girl returned the embrace just as tight and warm "you were at Uni and besides, I wanted to stay at the cafe...I needed time to think about it all". Reassuring both her brother and someday sister-in-law (let's not kid ourselves, Suki and Sokka were going to marry eventually) that she was okay, Katara entered her bedroom and threw her bag onto her bed before remembering her promise; she pulled out her phone before sending a message to Zuko, telling him that she was at home and safe....and that Sokka was inches from going on a rampage to find Jet and torture him. Once she had sent it, she grabbed her blue towels before entering the bathroom; she turned the water on and allowed it to fill the bath, adding some bubbles and calming scents. Sokka said that the food would be ready in an hour and a half, leaving the girl enough time to relax her tense and achy body; her side hurt from the impact of when Jet had hit her to the floor - it would most likely bruise as well. Now that the tub was half full, the teenager turned the water off, played her music through the phone and carefully climbed in after removing her clothes; her body seemed to respond well to the soothing bath as the aches and pains began to ease away. 

Back at the bakery, Zuko was finishing cleaning up for the night as he swept the floor; he was rather silent which caught his uncles attention - he stood and watched the boy for a few minutes before finally speaking. "Are you okay Zuko??" he asked, catching the teenagers attention as his head shot up "hmm?? Oh, I'm fine uncle" he sent the old man a small smile, although it was clearly forced "yes, and I prefer coffee over tea" Iroh stated, sarcasm dripping from his mouth "now tell me what's wrong". Silence filled the room, making the cafe owner think until his mind clicked "it's about Katara, isn't it??" he asked, waiting patiently before Zuko finally gave up, signing as he leant against a table " is" he admitted "I just....I can't stop thinking about what happened today...that guy was lucky to have a girlfriend like Katara, yet he treated her like crap and harmed her!!" he vented. Iroh pulled up a chair as he listened to his nephew rant about how amazing his youngest employee was, as well as how horrible and disgusting Jet was to her; it made the old man smile - he agreed with the young man, but he could see something in Zuko that he had never seen or noticed before. Cutting the boy off, Iroh spoke "you care for Katara, correct??" he asked, confusing his nephew "wha...of course I do, we've become good friends" he explained truthfully; the old man stood from his seat and patted the teen on the shoulder "then she well be fine" he reassured "it will take her time to come to terms with everything and to heal from what Jet had put her through, but in the long run, she will pull through" he smiled "especially if she had her friends and family around her, people that love and care for her". And with that, Iroh began to make his way towards the stairs for their apartment above the cafe "dinner will be ready in forty minutes, don't forget to wash up before hand" was the last thing he said before disappearing upstairs. Taking a minute to understand his uncle's words, Zuko gave a small sign before smiling - the man was always right of course. Finishing the sweeping, the teenager checked that all of the doors were locked before returning to the apartment and doing as told, taking a quick shower....okay, so not a quick shower as he ended up becoming distracted with his thinking. After twenty minutes, Zuko stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, using the other to dry his hair the best of its ability; he entered his room and dried off, hurrying to change into his night wear before being called for dinner. The uncle and nephew sat at the table with their food before digging in; Iroh decided to treat the teenager to his favourite home made meal "thanks uncle Iroh". 

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