Chapter 15

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"Oh Zuzu!" the young man couldn't contain his annoyed groan, to which Katara let out a quiet giggle that quickly returned the smile to her friend's face. The two friends turned, abandoning their previous conversation about the TV show they had been watching whenever spending time together as they came face to face with Azura as she approached them, her two friends following only a step behind while each supported a glass of bubbly within their hands. "I do believe, as the son and daughter of tonight's host, we should present ourselves through a dance, don't you?" the nineteen year old questioned, raising an amused brow when her brother openly disagreed "come now Zuko, you wouldn't deny your sister the chance to dance, would you?" he smirked while placing her glass onto the tray held by a passing butler. Letting out a sigh, Zuko turned to the sixteen year old, trying to tell her how he didn't have to if she didn't want to be left alone but Katara merely smiled, stopping him as she took his drink for him and assured that she would be just fine for a little while. Smiling back his thanks, Zuko reluctantly took his sister's awaiting hand and guided them over towards were others were dancing; Katara watched them go before her attention was drawn towards the remaining two women of whom she had been warned about. Ty Lee - the talented gymnast who would do just about anything for her best friend, to the point where some wondered if she had a thing for the daughter of their host. And, of course, there was Mia. Zuko had explained some of what his ex was like: incredibly needy and clingy, somewhat pushy and not very kind with her words on the rare occasion that she used them. "If you'll excuse me" Katara tried to slip away politely, but her path was swiftly blocked as Ty Lee wrapped an arm around her shoulders while her silent glaring friend stood before them both.

"So tell me - Katara, was it? - what exactly are you and Zuko?" the gymnast questioned, not even stopping as she continued to state how close the two appeared, especially when they had been sharing a dance earlier on in the night. "Oh, em...well" Katara couldn't hide how take aback she was, glancing between the two while her eyes remained on the silent one of the two for a few seconds longer; she was surprised even further when Mia opened her mouth and actually reassured her on how she could speak freely "Zuko and I are history" she waved away. While the sixteen year old heard her, she wasn't all that sure Mia's words were as truthful as she wished them to be. "We are just two very close friends as of right now, but we do plan to go on a date in the near future" Katara was many things, but she was proud in that she was no liar and never would be. Ty Lee, without missing a beat, let out a squeal of excitement, exclaiming how adorable such a thing was; Mia merely folded her arms across her chest, raising a silent brow as she watched on. "Though you should definitely be careful when it comes to Azula's little brother" the energetic woman warned, confusing the sixteen year old "I'm sure you're aware of how important Lord Ozai is, thus making his children just as important also" she stated as if this was common knowledge; Katara agreed that she was aware that her friend's father was a man with high stature "but didn't he disown Zuko when he decided to move in with his uncle Iroh, making none of what his son does reflect on him anyway?" she asked, not entirely seeing where this conversation was going. But as far as she had been told, that was how the story had gone between the father and son. "Indeed, but wouldn't it be so nice for them to put their differences aside and for them to rekindle their relationship? Zuko would finally have his father back!" Ty Lee grinned, resting her head on the younger girl's shoulder while she day dreamed before a frown presented itself upon her face "but to do would be a whole lot more difficult if you and Zuko were an item" she said, her words laced with fake sympathy as she patted the youngest of the three on the arm, as if to comfort her. Mia rolled her eyes, but only once the sixteen year old had turned her back; she had to give her best friend credit - she had a fantastic way with words! Especially as they both noticed the flicker of concern and uncertainty fall across Katara's face. ''If you'll excuse me'' Katara pardoned herself, nodding her goodbyes to the pair as she made a B-line for the gardens; she felt a sudden need for some fresh air as she placed her and Zuko's glasses down on a nearby table.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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