Chapter 22

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As always, I want to thank all of you for giving your reviews, and criticism. So, please enjoy all you wonderful people you! No warnings!


"Two Points for Raptor Squad."

Owen hummed happily as he looked over the pictures on the wall. They really did brighten the room, and they made him smile. He had always hated the idea of doing shows for the public, but Elise put her own twist on things. She was a good girl. Smart and funny.

Owen loved her.

He loved all his girls, and he hoped Blue would mellow out a little after their run. He carefully ran his fingers over the first drawing of the pink Elise. It wasn't even the best drawing, but Owen had a feeling it was Elise's favorite.

It was the first one.

Claire had been very happy yesterday despite him faking his death. She was so happy that she had even hugged him before catching herself. Owen only grinned widely; he knew she liked him. Maybe he could get her to go to a second date. He had a feeling that maybe this second one wouldn't end badly.

Because there was a mutual respect now.

Owen respected her as a leader, and a person. She respected his knowledge on his animals, and Elise.

"What're you grinning about like an idiot?"

Owen startled from his thoughts, and turned to see Tim grinning widely at him. Owen chuckled as he said, "Oh, new ways to keep the guests on their toes with Elise."

"Liar. You're thinking about a pretty girl."

Owen grinned as he playfully punched Tim's arm before slyly saying, "You caught me, how's old lady today? She miss me?"

Tim chuckled as he rubbed his arm, and answered, "Still feisty. I didn't see Elise though, that's why I came by. She okay?"

Owen was glad he had Tim for a neighbor. He wasn't afraid to get to know Elise, and he would be there to help if something went wrong. He knew her patterns, and he checked up on her when something else happened. Owen nodded as he pushed his large bottle of water against the wall, and answered, "I'm glad you didn't go looking for her yourself. I let my raptors loose in her paddock, and I asked her to babysit until show time."

Owen checked his watch as he added, "Which is in about five minutes."

Tim raised an eyebrow as the window slowly slid back, and Owen gave a shrill whistle. They waited a few seconds before Elise's far away roar responded. Owen glanced to Tim when he asked, "You let Velociraptors loose in a giant paddock?"

Owen shrugged as he heard people trickling in, and he said, "They needed a good run, Tim. Blue was driving me crazy; she's built to run. I know Elise can keep her in line; the other two are good girls. Blue's the spitfire."

Tim gave a small shiver, and Owen blinked at him before asking, "What? Not fond of raptors?"

Tim nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck, and said, "Kind of hard to appreciate them after they tried to hunt you down. I don't know, it's just...Rexy had always scared me, but...she never looked at me like those raptors did. I'd actually be dead if it weren't for Rexy; she somehow got into the Visitor's Center, and she snagged that raptor right as it jumped at us."

Owen believed that; the Velociraptors had a bad reputation when he had been hired. People were terrified of them escaping, and Jurassic World refused to even start making the eggs until the paddock was inescapable.

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