Chapter 31

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We have a warning today of a poor goat's demise because I ended up getting sidetracked in this chapter with our favorite old lady! Seriously though, the goat dies, and I tried to reign myself in on the description.

Anyways, please enjoy this chapter, and I thank you all for your reviews and criticism!


"Remember When?"

"There we go, Baby. Feel better?"

Elise gave a warm croon as the last of the itchy pain was gently wiped from her snowy scales. She felt much better without the vibrant colors sticking to her. She had tried to lick Owen clean, but he didn't want to risk her getting sick from ingesting the paint.

Elise felt like Owen was just trying to avoid more kisses from her, but she didn't push him.

Dr. Grant had snuck in about halfway through before collecting teeth from Elise. He truly was amazed by how easily some of the teeth had been pulled free. It wasn't like Elise had rotting teeth; they just weren't in her jaw very good.

Owen dropped the colored wet rag into the bucket before glancing at his watch, and he said, "Rexy's next show starts in about ten minutes, Baby. I know you probably miss her, and I need to go change."

Owen peered down at the sleeping raptors, and he quietly added, "Just be sure to lock the gate behind you so Blue doesn't try to follow. She's a nosey little shit, and I don't want Rexy to get mad."

Elise wanted to tell Owen that the gate had been smashed down apparently, and Rexy was currently in the thick trees only mere feet away. Rexy was amazing at sitting perfectly still, and Elise wanted to see Owen's face if the old dinosaur suddenly sneezed or something.

But Elise only crooned at Owen quietly before gently nuzzling him. Owen chuckled at her, and walked over to the button on the wall as he said, "I'll see you in a little bit, Baby. Try not to get into trouble."

Elise snorted at him; she was good at avoiding the trouble she caused, but Owen didn't need to know she was aware of that. The window slowly slid shut, and Elise garbled a farewell to the humans before they left. Elise gave a wide yawn; she actually wanted a nap after today's excitement.

She glanced down at her snoozing pack for a few minutes, and it seemed they were thinking the same thing. It was warming to see the three sisters sleeping tightly next to one another in a pile. They were too lazy to craft individual nests, so they had made one big one.

It worked out better than expected, and it was endearing to see the sisters sleeping so peacefully.

Elise was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a knocking on the glass window. She blinked at seeing Dr. Grant, and she could make out the muffled words.

"Elise, I need another tooth, please. I missed one."

The Indominus blinked, but she easily slid the window back before cocking her head at him. She liked Dr. Grant, he was funny, but respectful. She didn't mind giving him her teeth because he wanted to help keep her here.

"Thanks, Girly, I'm getting old; my memory isn't what it used to be."

Elise only garbled at him as the dusty hands carefully poked her teeth. Dr. Grant wasn't willing to even tug on a tooth that wouldn't wiggle. Elise appreciated that he didn't want to cause her any pain.

Elise felt a slight tug on her gums before Dr. Grant held a long ivory in his hand. To Elise, it looked very much like one of Rexy's teeth. She watched Grant carefully inspect it, seemingly lost in memories, before suddenly asking, "How's old Rexy doing? Is she still fiery?"

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