Chapter 56

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Hey guys! How's life?

We have another piece of artwork from blackdragon21! 'Elise vs Lily' Go check out the link in my profile! Many thanks blackdragon21!

Nightmare Moon, all is well, I still read your reviews; there weren't too many, and typos are fine. It's me who gets the flack if I make typos.

SmurfTurf, thanks for the link.

Kim K's butt, I missed you. I'm sorry to hear your snake isn't feeling so well. What's his/her name? Snakes are beautiful creatures, no? I'll forgive you; Morivanja sounds like the right person to hide behind.

I'm really sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was stumped on this chapter, and I really had to do some research. Thank you Makokam, DONOVAN94, and Duesal Bladesinger for your help.

Lastly, thank you much and mighty for your reviews! I read all of them even if I don't respond to all of them. Much love to you guys, especially the those of us going back to college and school. We'll support each other in spirit come Monday. Be brave...


"We're All Sick."

"You may have all these records when you give the green light to take Sobek."

Claire internally groaned; she knew Bridges would be possessive of the Manella folder. Elise's records just mere inches from her grasp. A childish side of Claire wanted to tell Owen to pin Bridges while she quickly read the files over. She would give them back, and Bridges could keep Sobek.

But that was not how it was going to work.

And Sobek had not given Claire a legitimate reason for her to reject him. He reminded Claire of Rexy just the slightest. An old ruler who was fine with going about his own schedule. Claire knew she could handle Sobek. Madre hadn't been that calm when Claire had seen her, but Masrani had been convinced a large space would mellow out the Spinosaurus.

It had only given Madre more room to get into a full out run before smashing through the fence.

But Sobek did look like a fisher, and Isla Nublar did have a river running through it. She had an idea of where she could put Sobek if she wanted to. She knew she didn't want him to be in the paddock. Madre had always paced around, but Sobek just an old man.

And he was castrated.

Claire sighed before she nodded, and said, "I will see what I can do about convincing my board, Mr. Bridges, but the space I was thinking won't work for him. I will have to build a new paddock. How long can you house him here for?"

Bridges gave a quick, nervous glance at the barred wall, and Owen knew the answer to that question.

Until Sobek said he was ready to go. That could be a few weeks, a couple days, maybe an hour or so. Owen hoped the Construction Team were miracle workers like the Repair Team. Claire followed the gaze before quietly saying, "I'll just make it a priority. We aren't building anything else at the moment."

Bridges gave a grateful smile as he said, "I would appreciate that, Miss Dearing. Thank you for coming to see him."

"I can give you an answer by noon; I'm sure."

The blonde gave a nod as he led the way back to the helicopter; it wasn't a long visit, but it was more than enough. Bridges was very glad the old dinosaur had been willing to give a warning before getting snappish.

He paused at seeing Owen help Claire in; there was something a little too informal about the hand touching, and Bridges was stunned at the idea of Claire actually getting romantic with anyone.

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