Chapter 2

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"I Understand"

"So that's how it's going to be then?"

Owen tried to keep the bitterness out of his voice as his three girls surrounded him while he stood protectively in front of Claire and her nephews. He knew the raptors would focus on killing him first since it seemed that was what the Indominus had ordered.

Blue curled her lip before giving a low hiss, and Owen refused to break eye contact with her. He could see that internal struggle in her. He knew it had irritated her beyond everything to do those repetitive exercises day in and day out. He knew that, as a Beta, it was her job to question every decision he made when it came to the pack. He also knew she was upset with how things had turned out after the Indominus had taken over.

She was not happy with baby Charlie being blown to bits by that missile, and neither was Owen. If he had the time, he would have probably cried over her body, or at least what was left of it.

What Owen really wanted to do was point out to Blue that if she hadn't ordered the pack to follow the Indominus' orders, Charlie would have been fine. His cheeto snatching baby would still be alive. But now wasn't the time to be blaming others for what could never be undone; he had to keep this pack together. He could already see the warning signs of stress wearing on his girls. Delta looked dangerously irritated, despite already mauling Vic, and Echo seemed cranky with missing her dinner. They were all hurt and confused as to why their baby sister wasn't with them; they feared the worst when Charlie wouldn't respond to Blue's barking commands to come home.

He could still prove himself to his girls.

Owen kept his eye contact as he slowly lowered his silver gun to the ground. He knew Blue was fully aware of what he was doing, but she continued to watch him carefully. She knew she had defied him by acknowledging another as the Alpha.

The gun gently clattered on the floor, and Owen heard Claire give a small gasp. He slowly extended his hand towards Blue; not flinching when she gave a bluffing nip.

"Easy, Blue...shhh, it's okay."

Despite the firm, loud orders he barked at them during their training, Owen had never used a firm hand when touching them. Barry had always used gentle, light touches to calm them, and Owen did the same.

He knew how begrudging raptors could be; they would never tolerate mishandling. Hell, Vic had only looked at Delta wrong, and she had gone out of her way to give the lab's walls a fresh coat of paint with his internals.

Blue remained still as the calloused hand lightly ran across her cheek. Owen always loved how warm, and smooth the scales felt. His fingers bumped over scarred indents in the skin before he softly grabbed the release mechanism of the camera on her head. He gave it a small twist, and gently pulled it off before tossing it to the ground. Blue's golden eyes briefly flickered to the camera as she was finally freed, and Owen smiled as he murmured, "That's my best girl."

He respectfully took a step back to give the raptor her space. Blue had always had a larger bubble than her siblings. Even when she had burst from her egg in a screeching, sopping mess, Blue did not appreciate Owen's 'imprinting cuddles'. She had given him fierce bites for his touchiness, and had retained that trait all her life.

Unless she really wanted Owen's Oreos, then she would allow Barry to kiss her nose.

The golden eyes flickered back up to him, and Owen decided he wouldn't be angry with Blue about her decisions. He knew they had that trust there, and he knew it wouldn't fail him. If nothing else, he hoped Blue would take the pack elsewhere while he tried to get Claire and the boys to safety.

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