Chapter 3

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I can honestly say I did not expect the reaction to this story that you guys have given, and it absolutely makes my day. Thank you so much for the comments, and reviews because I am getting wonderful ideas to add to this to show you all what a tragic villain the Indominus truly is. I will try to balance the funnies with the seriousness in the course of this story, but be prepared for random bits of heart wrenching because that is simply how I am. :) I will probably change the rating from 'K' to 'T' just because it seems to be the polite thing to do on here as I simply struggle with refraining myself from using the colorful vocabulary of curse words. I personally never cared what a story's rating is, but I am sure some of you do, and that is perfectly fine. So without further ado, please enjoy chapter three with your snacks of Oreos and Cheetos!


Owen was astonished as he gaped at the left hand of the Indominus. She held the pose for a few seconds before slowly curling her hand back to her chest protectively as she waited for his reaction. It wasn't until Gray had poked his back that Owen finally gave himself a mental shake, and replied, "Oh...okay then..."

He was going to get himself killed with stupid responses like that. He had to always remember that this creature had very little to no social skills. She probably didn't know what to do with a baffled human, and when she became confused, she became violent. He didn't want to unintentionally offend her either.

Owen finally cleared his throat, and began to stall with another question as his mind struggled to comprehend that he was about to try and hold a conversation with a dinosaur. This wasn't understanding the various growls of his Velociraptors, the Indominus would be learning his language.

This was terrifying, and he was going to kick every single ass in that laboratory. He would personally see to it that every scientist in there would be whipped into shape for creating something that had absolutely no business being an attraction at a theme park.

His raptors sensed his apprehension, and they only pressed closer to him. Blue had finally finished her Oreo, and decided to surprise Owen by remaining right beside him; he could feel the heat radiating off her body.

The Indominus seemed to tilt her head slightly when Owen brought his hands together as he asked, "So, do you understand a lot?"

He put his hands together, like he was holding an invisible ball, before pulling them apart, and she carefully watched.

"Or a little bit?"

He took his index finger and thumb before rubbing them against one another twice. He wasn't sure if her thumb was long enough for that. He really didn't want to frustrate her by giving useless tools to her. He waited patiently, and quietly sucked in air when the left hand became a fist. The index finger flicked up before her right hand joined in the conversation to cup the invisible ball, and they pulled it apart.

'I understand a lot.'

She understood a lot indeed; she had just communicated to him a complete sentence. She wasn't even lazy with her answers. He had no idea what to do from here. He was even more terrified of this dinosaur than before, and he really wanted someone to yell at. He wanted Claire to point him to the head geneticist right away.

But he just couldn't leave the Indominus to do as she pleased. Just because she was smart enough to communicate, and learn language, didn't mean she was willing to exercise discipline with bloody rampage.

All she had demonstrated was a small hint to the extent of her intelligence. She had done nothing to show her morals, nor willingness to learn human moral.

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