Chapter 37

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"We Settled."

Owen winced when his ribs gave a painful throb before he reluctantly cracked open his eyes. Everything hurt; even his damned mustache hurt. He didn't recognize the white ceiling, and this did not smell like his bungalow.

It smelled way too clean, and Owen knew for a fact, there was an old cheeseburger in his fridge that had been perfuming that bungalow faithfully for the past month.

Owen lifted his head as he gave a hiss of pain before startling at a soft snore. He was even more startled to see Claire sleeping right next to him. She was sitting in a chair while half laying on the bed. He hadn't even realized she had been holding his hand until he tried to move it.

Now Owen was confused, but he certainly wasn't going to complain. Things shouldn't have gone too terribly if Claire was willing to sit next to him. Owen looked around the small, plain room, and figured he was in the very small hospital. It was another fail safe made just in case people couldn't get off the island. Jurassic World had a full medical staff, but nothing serious hardly ever happened; the staff usually held other jobs on the island until they were needed in the hospital.

He gave another wince as he tried to shift around; he wondered what time it was. There wasn't a window here, and he didn't see a clock. What happened to Blue? Did Elise get her back in the paddock just fine? Was Elise okay? Owen vaguely remembered last night, but he hadn't seen any blood on Elise. Was Lilly okay? Owen didn't have any ill-will towards the Mosasaur; he knew her caretaker adored her. They had never had problems with Lilly.

Until two, bleeding idiots decided to go swimming in her lagoon, but Lilly couldn't be blamed for her reaction.

Owen was pulled from his thoughts by a very soft, "Morning..."

Claire scrunched her nose as she stretched, and Owen couldn't believe how she still managed to look beautiful after the long night. Her hair was a sexy, wild mane, and the ruffled clothes only looked good on her. Owen gave a small chuckle, and Claire glanced at him questioningly. He gave a small, sly grin as he teased, "I knew I could get you to sleep with me."

Confusion filled the blue eyes before Claire glanced at the bed, and she gave a dry snort. Owen only laughed, but quickly groaned as his ribs complained with the movement. Claire gently patted his shoulder as she said, "You're a bit of a mess. Broken ribs, bitten fingers, bruised bones, and the doctors found a serious problem with your head."

Owen froze; he didn't like the sound of that. He did have a headache. Did this mean he would have to stay in the hospital now?

"What's wrong?"

Claire pressed her lips as she gently grabbed his hands. She gave them a sympathetic squeeze as she said, "Now, it'll probably fine, but I am willing to stay by you until we get it figured out."

Owen paled as he licked his lips nervously before hoarsely saying, "Claire, please don't drag it out with me...."

The redhead nodded solemnly, and she squeezed the hands again before saying, "The doctors...they discovered that your head is...lacking a brain."


Claire pressed her lips seriously, and added, "Which explains a lot, because you're an absolute idiot for going into that lagoon. Don't worry though, I'm sure we'll find that brain of yours, and maybe extend your lifespan."

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