Chapter 36

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Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter is a little shorter, and a lot less action, but I got to babysit. And no, this kid was not one who is easily occupied. She's a terrorizing toddler.

Anyways, announcement! 'It's not the Raptor DNA' now has a tvtropes page! Commando64 created it, and I think it's super awesome! Many thanks to you Commando64! The link is on my profile, so go check it out!

As always, thank you for your reviews and criticism! Please enjoy!


"Job Application."

Elise gave a long, tired sigh when the paddock doors finally shut behind her. Owen had been put in a funny looking car, but Zach explained that he was going to a place where doctors could make sure he was fine. Elise thought that was a good idea, and she was glad when Blue had decided she had enough of the world outside the paddock walls.

Their territory was safer, and Blue was too tired to cause any more chaos.

Barry had walked them here because Claire left with Owen to make sure he was going to be fine.

Blue was currently on her back, ready to fall asleep, but too afraid of rolling off suddenly. Elise wasn't sure where they would make their nests tonight; she needed to keep the pack together, but she didn't want to assume Rexy would open her nest to three new members.

Elise was sure they could make do with the area around Small One's spot.

The Indominus groaned at the impossibly long trip ahead of her; she knew it wasn't a far walk, but she just didn't want to walk. Blue only made an encouraging, half asleep chirp as Elise wove through the forest. Elise had a lot to think about.

She had no idea why Owen had even gone in the water in the first place, but Blue had said they hunted the prey whose scent had been on the weapon. It sounded like things had gotten out of control, and now they were left with no answers; Lilly had eaten the man whole. She had overheard the uniformed men talking, there was no way to gather the remains safely.

Then Zach and Gray's parents had showed up. Elise had no idea what to do with the blubbering messes. Karen seemed absolutely relieved her children were fine, but the father seemed angry with Elise; she had no idea why. It wasn't like the two were in any danger; they were out of the way, and Elise had no intent of bringing them into the fight. Gray and Zach had hugged her nose hard before wishing her a goodnight.

Elise sincerely hoped so after this mess.

The Indominus gave a large yawn as she broke into the quiet clearing. The log was dark and silent, the projector had shut off after being left alone. Elise didn't mind, and she was glad to see the two raptors trotting over to greet them. Blue slowly slid off Elise before her tail began to droop as she pressed close to her siblings. Echo seemed put off by her sister's lack of fiery energy, and Delta was quick to groom the funny smells from Blue's scales.

Echo trotted around Elise as she inhaled the unfamiliar scents of outside the walls, but she could mostly smell the fishy scent of Lilly. Echo chirped quietly, and Elise let her know that the hunt was now off.

The trespasser had been killed, and his pack had probably escaped.

Delta didn't seem to mind; she was focused on grooming her tired sister. Elise glanced around as she wondered if this area was safe. She knew it was supposed to be safe; the walls kept danger out, but instinct was a voice in her head. She needed to make sure it was safe.

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