Chapter 21

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I hope you all had a happy Saturday!

I made a recent discovery. Apparently I made a mistake when I thought the kid who fell into the Raptor Paddock was nameless. I named him Scott because I couldn't find his actual name, but whoa and behold, I found it while lurking around an updated wiki page. His name is actually Leon, but in this story he shall stay Scott because I like the name Scott better.

Anyways, please enjoy this chapter of our favorite Oreo and Cheeto munching raptors!


"Mama Knew."

Blue paced about her cage excitedly; she couldn't remember the last time she had felt so giddy. Maybe when she had taken Alpha's black foot cover, but that had been more amusing than exciting.

They were going to go run with Alpha!

Blue had always known they could outrun Alpha, but she had been so happy to see him right next to her when they were hunting the White One. Blue could smell her odd scent clinging strongly to Alpha, and that had made her livid.

What was Alpha thinking? Spending time with non-pack. That was wrong! It had been a long time since Blue had to pull the foot cover out to remind Alpha that he was not that high and mighty. He was not allowed to leave them without good reason.

He was, under no circumstances, allowed to even consider skipping on their pink prey chase.

Alpha is lucky she is a forgiving creature.

Blue let out an impatient screech, and was pleased to see Alpha had looked up from the talking box in his hands. He raised an eyebrow, deciding whether or not to cooperate before saying, "Easy, Blue."

It was his command to be patient, but Blue wasn't in the mood to be patient! She knew he could open the hard bars in the way. They could be running right now! Reigning terror in the thick jungle full of exciting smells, and thrilling chases! There was adventure to be found!

But Alpha wasn't cooperating!

Owen rolled his eyes when Blue gave a loud, dramatic moan. She was definitely the most free spirited of his girls; she was the most in touch with the wildfire blood that made her ancestors so intelligently terrifying.

Echo was his old soul who was a little mellower. She was a composed thinker who had to remind Blue to calm down once in a while. Most of the time Blue wouldn't listen, but Owen always appreciated Echo's attempt.

Owen smiled when Delta gently poked around his pocket for anything interesting; she was his good girl. She hardly gave him shit even when she really wanted to. She was his most patient baby; willing to wait a little longer for the pig to come out of the cage.

Charlie had been his cuddly baby when she was little. She had spent the first week of her life in his pocket because she wouldn't stop wailing when he put her down.

Owen missed that.

He looked up when Blue had flopped onto her side before kicking the dirt childishly. It had been a very long time since she had thrown a tantrum around him, and it was actually funny to see an adult Velociraptor roll in the dirt because she wasn't getting her way soon enough.

"Hey, Scott, what's taking so long? Blue's having a meltdown over here."

Owen grinned when Echo gave a sharp snarl, and Blue yowled at her dramatically. Echo huffed before burying her head further in the bushes to drown out the irritating sounds, and Delta went back to exploring Owen's vest. He ran his hand down her graceful neck when the radio crackled, and Scott said, "Um, sorry, I had to find the hitch, but I'm coming up the road right now."

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