Cleo's laugh trailed off as her expression shifted to one Lyv knew well. One of longing, of envy. It brought up a topic of conversation they hadn't discussed yet.

"So, does the Queen of Arloerin have anyone special?"

"Nope," she snorted, glancing back over at her. "Of course, I've had lovers, but not...not what you and Jai have. Not yet."

"At least you're thinking positive."


"And if anything, you'll get a husband out of Kav once he's old enough. I saw those starstruck hazel eyes staring at you anytime he was in the room. I think the kid's got a crush on you."

Cleo's gaze grew distant. "Probably because his mother's filling his head with ideas. But I can't even think about that, especially when Sophea's going to push it as long as I live, even if I take a husband as consort. Like that will ever happen, though. It takes a special kind of male to handle me...or so I've been told. Multiple times. There's only so much heartbreak a female can take before she seeks a male for one thing and one thing only."

Oh. Now, Lyv understood. "You're absolutely amazing, Cleo, dark magic, scars, tattoos, and all. You know that, right?"

Thoughtful, she cocked her head to the side. "I am, aren't I?"

Grinning, Lyv finished getting ready with Cleo chattering beside her. Other than her sword on her back and her dagger on her thigh, there was just one more thing Lyv wasn't wanting to forget. Though she had her healing magic, she still slung her bag over her shoulder just in case, especially when it held all of her medical supplies.

"Ready?" she asked Cleo after everything was in place.


Of course, Lyv had to wake Jai up just enough to give him a kiss. Half of his face was still pressed into her pillow, so she only got to press her lips to the corner of his mouth. He stirred, eyes slowly opening to look at her.

"We're going," she whispered to him, her face still close. "We'll be back in a few hours. Promise."

Jai swallowed against the dryness in his throat, shifting to look at her fully. "Are you sure you don't want us to come? I don't like the fact that you and Cleo are going alone."

Lyv brushed back his hair from his forehead before brushing her lips against his again. Through the bond, she could feel his worry, his panic growing. Just like he told her the night before, he didn't want them going alone, not knowing exactly what they would face. They had an idea, though.

"We'll be fine, love. Go back to sleep and get more rest before Elys starts to run rampant through the palace."

"Guess that means I need to put some pants on, too, huh?"

She laughed, shaking her head. "I love you."

Jai's answering smile made her heart stutter. "I love you, too, princess."

As Lyv and Cleo made their way through the still silent palace, the lamps along the walls flickered on to light their way to the front doors. A heavy fog had settled over Arloerin, thought the first rays of sunlight would quickly burn it off.

Just as they thought, Thia, Allel, and Kalla were standing in front of the dragons' quarters. Roshan and Ollyn were already fitted with their saddles while Erly, ever the mother dragon, was worrying over them. While Roshan was trying to nudge her away, Ollyn was watching with amusement. Odanth, however, was nowhere in sight, probably already out for the day just like he did every morning.

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