"Eh don't call me that!"UK said and quickly removed his hands

"You sure are an idiot!"France said and decided to grab UK's hand

"What are you gonna do with it?"UK said confused looking at his hand where she grabbed

"Watch and learn,"France said and quickly about to brake his hands but then just landed a baguette that appeared out of nowhere on his hand

"What do you mean by this"UK said speechless as everything just turned silence

"Uhh.... France-san! Arigatou gozaimasu! For your help!"Nekomi said and just ruined the silence

"See! Even how much you hate me or my baguette, I'll promise to make you sure fell in love with my lovely baguette, now time to go and see Thailand! UK thanks for lending your help for me!"France said and just left

"Uh... bye, Now I have to deal with those trouble makers... especially America"UK said muttering some words and walked away

"..... that's a sudden."China said

"I can find them being a crazy yet lovely couple"Nekomi said

"I didn't also agree to join the club."Phil said

"Oh, Firipin-san, your ending already? Please just stay here a bit!"Nekomi said

"Who added me actually to this club actually?"Phil asked

"Me!"South said

"South. Why did you add me without my permission?"Phil said

"Oops. Mango-girl That doesn't matter now, because you're already a member here since yesterday and now. Other new members are here"South said as the revealing new nations came

"Ni hao."The nation said

"T-taiwan?!"Phil said whispery

"Ni hao. What's my purpose here?"Taiwan said and looked away from her phone, giving an emotionless yet soft voice

"And why is my brother here?"Taiwan said meaning China

"You guys are siblings?!"Phil said that made her voice a little louder

"We are step siblings actually."China said

".... and so. Are we forgotten?"The other nations said

"Oh gomen nasai, introduce yourself now."Nekomi said

"Hungary here"The nation said and raised her hand

"Hungary?"Phil said

"Philippines!"Hungary said as they smiled at each other

"South... I'll...totally kill you."The nation said mumbling some words

"Come on north, your my brother, so why not?"South said that it appeared to be North Korea

"Italy..."The nation said

"E-Eh?!"Phil said

"Philia, may I have a private talk with you for a second"Italy said

"U-Uh... sige...."Phil said and nodded

"Italy, what are you doing here?"phil said

"Well actually. I wanna spend my time."Italy said

"So why?"Phil said

"This curse or something have appeared to be inside of me since two weeks ago so"Italy said

•𝚁𝙴𝚄𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙴𝙳•𝙿𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂•[HAITUS]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя