Chapter 18 : The other side of him

Start from the beginning

"I know! I can't help but to stare at your biceps I'm sorry!" I said.

"Just finish your meal and we will take some rest and we will go to the big inflatable." He said.

I can see the big inflatable and I'm excited specially when I saw some people enjoying the things there.

We rest for a minute and we went directly at the inflatable.

I'm really excited because I've never been in a big inflatable like this.

We started exploring around and I'm like a kid playing with Tay in this big inflatable.

We only have 2 hours and roam around so we did our best to explore all that they have here.

I laugh when Tay suddenly fell on the sea and it looks painful that's why he's face looks funny.

It's really slide-y here that's why we always fell on the water when we try walk.

I notice that there's a pair of girls who follow us. I mean I don't want to be assuming but they are always with us.

I don't know if it's coincidence or it's not but I think they like Tay that's why they follow us.

I'm don't want to ruin the mood but this girls are really irritating and I'm not comfortable because of them.

"He really looks hot OMG!" I heard one of the girls said it then the other and giggle.

"I bet he's big inside... I want to have a taste of him!" The other one said and they are getting into my nerves.

They don't have the rights to fantasize Tay!

I know that my face turn red right now not because of the sun but because of this two b*tches.

"What should we do?" I heard the other girl said.

"Wait I'll think what should we do." The other one said.

"Tay I think we should go there because we still didn't try on that part." I said so we can avoid those girls and they can't do their flirty plan to Tay.

Tay looks surpise but he didn't say anything but anything and just do what I say.

But I saw that the girls still follow us and I saw that the girl intentionally go down on the water.

"Hello! can you please help me pull her up! I can't do it alone!" The other girl said I saw that we're the only one that is close to them so Tay doesn't have a choice.

I know that Tay only want to help and He doesn't have an Idea about these two.

He pull her up and I saw that the girl lowkey bump on Tay that's why the girl is already on the top of him and I saw the girl touching Tay's face.

"Don't you dare put your filthy hands on my boyfriend again." I said and I walk out alone. I can't pull Tay because it's slippery here so it's his choice if he will follow me or he will continue flirting with those girls.


Tay's point of view

I don't why Newwie is being like this. After our what happen on the inflatable he didn't talk to me again.

He ignore me until now, We're on our way to the other Island and our plan for today is to enjoy our island hopping but because of those girls Newwie can't even look at me.

It's not my fault if they like me, I just want to help them and give them a hand but it turns out that their agenda is different.

I actually don't have a clue about that but now I'm suffering because of their fault.

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