Chapter 10

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A woman, maybe in her late 30s, walked toward our table. She was a bit attractive to say the least. She had blond hair and blue/green eyes? I don't know. Merle rolled his eyes at the sound of her voice. Ha Ha.

"What do you want?" he asked annoyed. We all got quiet as we watched them. Martinez glance at me from his spot next to me. His eyes held amusement and a bit of annoyance.

"Andrea!" he smiled, maybe the beer effect. Not likely.

"Oh hey" Andrea gave Martinez a fake smile. It was obvious she didn't like him.

"What brings you around here?" I felt like laughing at what Martinez asked. It was stupid.

"We live in the same town idiot" I chuckled at him. He flipped me off for my smartass comment.

"Oh. and you are?" She asked me, although she had her eyes on Merle.

"Violet, but you can call me red" I said bluntly. I was never good with strange woman. Yeah, I had talked to some that came by the shop before everything. But it was only for the attention they got from the workers.

"Kinda of funny how your hair is red.. and your name means purple" she smiled. I knew she was trying to make a joke. All woman have tried before, but nobody laughed.

"Point exactly?" I rolled my eyes. I was being bitchy.

"Oh, nothing" she shook her head. It was very awkward. We all were looking at the table or at the ground.

"Well I should go guys" I said standing up and head towards the shop.

"Where are you going?" Merle asked me as Andrea took my seat.

"Gotta finish a truck they brought in earlier" I lied, they knew I was lying.

"Want any help?" Martinez turned around to look at me. Both Merle and him had an almost pleading look.

"Sure" I nodded my head. They chugged their beers and walked to me.

"Let get the hell away from here" Merle said irritated. I almost laughed at him.

"Do you really got a truck?" Martinez raised an eyebrow.

"Nahh, just wanted to get away from her" I sighed " don't really like her and I just met her"

"Same here, girl" Martinez laughed.

"Come let's go find something to do" I shook my head and walked towards the shop.


Some people can me idiotic. Like really really idiotic. At times it can be men. Both Merle and Martinez betted they can fix a truck faster then the other. They didn't say what the prize was they just whispered it in between each other. Though they kept glancing at me as the spoke about it. I had a good feeling what it could be.

So far they were both losing. I was sitting in a office chair. I couldn't help, but laugh as they struggled with the trucks. Merle was more into fixing motorcycles and I don't know about Martinez.

"And what does the winner get?" I asked them for the second time. The first time I was suppose to sit down and look pretty. Merle's exact words were:

"You just sit there and look pretty, sweet cheeks"

It must of been something really good. Hopefully it was a macho alpha contest. Or a trying to impress the girl race.

"You must really want to know?" Martinez laughed as he changed the trucks battery.

"Yeah, gotta make sure I win something from it" I scoffed.

"Oh, you will sweet cheeks" Merle winked at me.

"Well, what is it?" I asked annoying. it was getting pretty annoying. They were being all competitive over something.

"You won't find out till later" They both chuckled.

"You suck" I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair.

"We don't, but you do" Merle said with a wicked smile. I gave him a glared.

"I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that" Martinez shook his head in disgust.

"Ah, come on man. You never gotten one before?" Merle laughed at Martinez. This was getting a bit awkward.

"Never said I didn't, just, its weird to talk about it in front of Red" he nodded in my direction. I was about to say some thing, but Merle beat me to it.

"I'm pretty sure she's given one before"

I felt my face flush red at his comment. He did not just say that..

"Man, shut the hell up" Martinez snapped at him. He had stopped working on the truck.

"Oh," Merle laughed as if he just figured something out "I get it"

"Get what?" Martinez spat at him.

"You and little red robin over here" Merle laugh, though it came out with a bit of anger.

"I wouldn't do that, I was a married man" Martinez clenched his hands. I stood up knowing something was about to go down.

"Oh, so your wife did it for you?" Merle laughed, like it was the funniest thing in the world. That's all it took Martinez to swing at him. They both started throwing punches at each other.

"Hey! Stop" I shouted at them. I rushed toward them and tried separating them. I tried pulling Martinez off Merle as he was on top of him. As if in slow motion, Merle threw a punch at Martinez. Martinez moved back and away from my grasp. I didn't see it coming. All I felt was a severe pain around my eye and the drop to the hard ground.

"Oh my god... Violet!" a blurry Martinez came into view. He had horrified look on his face.

"Are you alright?" he asked me as he sat me down on a chair. I turned my blurry vision to Merle. He was looking at his fist with a horrified look. His eyes snapped towards me, they held regret and shame. I ignored Martinez's questions and stood up. I grabbed a Walkie from the table and stormed to my room. I ignored any questioning looks as I walked to my room with my head down. Once inside I locked my door and rushed into the restroom. My eye was almost swollen shut and turning dark red. I slammed the bathroom door shut and threw myself in bed. It was maybe six in the afternoon, but I didn't care. I did what I always swore myself I wouldn't do, I cried my self to sleep.

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