Interviews and Meetings {Part I}

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Maya looks around the room that once belonged to her best friend, but now serves as her sewing room. Truth be told, she misses Aria more than she'll admit. Even though she loves both of them dearly, Maya often times prefers Aria over Kaydence. It's not to discredit Kay because Maya considers both women sisters, but she and Arianna have always had a somewhat closer relationship than her and Kaydence.

Maya's thoughts are interrupted by a knocking at the door.

"God Kay," Maya groans. "Why must you always forget your damn key?" Getting up from her desk, Maya reluctantly ventures over to open the door. Unlocking it, she turns right back around to start heading to her room. "Remind me to get another key made so I can place it in the car."

"Well damn," Maya stops dead in her tracks. That is not Kay. "I would've thought you'd think it's too early on in the relationship to be giving out keys and such." Maya spins around to face the one and only Derrick, "But if you insist."

"What do you want Derrick?" She asks, turning back around to go into her sewing room. Derrick, of course, follows her.

"Now Mc-Maya," he quickly decides against using the nickname she loathes when her eyes turn into daggers. "You and I know both know the answer to that."

"Too bad I'm the only one who realizes it's never going to happen," she mutters silently, returning back to her sketch. While starting on the sleeves of the dress she's working on, Maya sees out the corner of her eyes Derrick looking around the room in amazement. Aside from her furniture, any indication of the bedroom belonging to Aria is now gone. Maya has, more or less, transformed the room into a studio.

"You say that now," Derrick says confidently. "But you'll change your mind. They always do."

"They?" Maya questions, lifting up her recently arched eyebrow. "I know you're not putting me in the same category with your little hoes."

Derrick shakes his head, "See. That just goes to show how much you really know me. I don't even fuck with hoes. Too much drama."

"And this is from prior experience right?" Maya questions absentmindedly, focusing most of her attention on her work.

Derrick pauses with his answer, "I was young and dumb."

"Still are if you ask me...." Maya mumbles, shaking her head and turning to Derrick. "Why are you here Derrick? If you're looking for Kay-"

"If I was looking for her, don't you think I would have asked for her by now instead of talking to you?"

"Not necessarily," Maya argues. "Since it seems you enjoy irking the life out of me."

"You like it though," he smiles confidently.

"No," Maya glares. "I tolerate it." She shakes her head, "What the hell do you want Derrick? I'm not gonna ask your annoying ass again."

"Today's my boy Blake's birthday," Derrick grins proudly. "He's having his party at Lure. It's a club down in L.A."

Maya looks at him with a bored expression, "And? What the hell does that have to do with me?"

Derrick rolls his eyes, "I want you to go with me."

"To L.A? For some guy who, I don't even know, birthday party?" Maya asks with complete disbelief. "Hell no. L.A. is what, 6 hours away from here? No thanks."

"Aww come on," Derrick sighs heavily. "It'll be fun. We're gonna fly there. The flight is only like an hour and a half. Since it's Friday, we just figured we'd spend the weekend there and fly back Sunday night."

"1. Who's 'we'? 2. What makes you think I have the time or most importantly the resources to roll like that? Not all of us have it like that Derrick." Maya, by now, has put down her sketch and is now fully invested in her conversation with Derrick.

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