Hawaii {Part 1}

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"What do you mean you're not going?!" Kaydence and Arianna shout simultaneously at their best friend.

Maya shrugs innocently, "I can't."

"Like hell you can't," Kay scoffs. "We're talking about an all expense paid trip to Hawaii Maya. Hawaii."

"This is like a once in a lifetime experience girl," Aria adds, placing her hand over her eyes to shield them from the raging sun.

Maya chews on her lip, "I have my internship you guys."

Kay smacks her full lips, "Bitch. You intern for a clothing company who has a contract with the NBA." Maya looks confused so Kaydence continues. "You're dating one of the biggest players in professional sports right now. There's no way they're gonna let you go! Plus, you're a fucking badass designer."

Arianna squints her eyes from more than just the sun, "What's this really about girl?"

Maya looks taken back, but allows her eyes to fall over to the court where Derrick and Jazmine are playing a game of basketball with Avery. Realization sets in.

"You don't wanna leave Avery..."

Maya smiles and nods softly, "I know it's just a week, but I cherish every moment that I get with him."

"He can just come with us then!" Kay says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Maya rolls her eyes, "Yes, because Colton is totally going to let his son go to Hawaii with us for an entire week."

"He's your son too girl," Arianna adds softly.

Maya frowns, "Not according to the state." The two girls look perplexed. "I gave up my rights, remember? I have no legal-"

"Fuck legalities!" Kaydence snaps, placing a hand on her poked out hip. "You birthed that little boy over there. Colton's ass only contributed to the creation process for what, ten minutes? I don't give a flying fuck that you gave up your rights. You carried that child for nine months. You were the one who had to make difficult decision of giving him up so he could have a better life.....Avery is your son just as much as he is Colton's."

Maya looks down, a small smile gracing her face.

"Give me your phone," Kay extends her hand out. Maya looks up and quips an eyebrow. "Just....trust me."

"No, actually, I don't trust you." Maya replies with a straight face as Kay rolls her eyes.

"Bitch if you don't give me this damn phone," Kay smacks her lips, snatching Maya's iPhone from her

She quickly types in her best friend's passcode and heads for the desired contact.

"Kay..." Arianna trails off, feeling her own nerves grow as Colton's handsome face appears on Maya's screen.

"Oh my God," Maya groans as the all too familiar FaceTime ringtone sounds. It doesn't take long for him to answer. Not long at all.

"Everything o-" he stops at the sight of the blue eyed woman starring at him with a broad smile. "Kay."

"Hola mi amigo," she greets, adjusting the shades on her eyes. "Whatcha doing?" She asks casually.

"Uhh..." he starts off awkwardly. "Working?"

"On what?"

"Kaydence," he clearly tries to maintain his calm, but his voice taking on an annoyed tone. "Is there a reason you FaceTime'd me from Maya's phone?"

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