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3rd Person's P.O.V.

Taeyong rushes towards the younger, forcing both Suho and Yixing off. Doyoung was soon to follow, having heard the gunshots from upstairs.

He scooted past, making his way towards the young boy, "I can save him!" He yells, "I can save him!" By now, Donghyuck was already unconscious, having had too much blood rush to the brain. Minyoung ran and grabbed the first aid kit from the cupboard, yanking it out and throwing it to Doyoung.

Mark was now up, tears shooting down his face in horror as he watched his brother's soul getting sucked out of his limp body. "P-put him on the bed," he lets out, holding on to his chest. "Quickly!" Doyoung yells, "let's get him on the bed!" Minyoung pitifully looks over at Mark, then focuses back on Donghyuck, helping lift him on the bed.

"Startup the defibrillators," Doyoung shouts at Minyoung, who seemed quite dazed. He made his way around the bed, placing on oxygen cap on the young boy and ripping his blood-soaked shirt off, "Minyoung get ready." She firmly nodded, passing the pads over. Doyoung reached over, holding them on top of Donghyuck's chest, "and clear." Donghyucks body lifted at the shock, but it wasn't enough.

Doyoung passed the pads back, "I'll have to do it manually," he shouts. He quickly climbs on top of the younger, pumping, "1... 2..." he grunts. "Minyoung, get the oxygen ready," he speaks, "9... 10..." Taeyong frantically held onto Mark who looked like he was completely pale in the face. "29... 30... oxygen!"

Suddenly the monitor on the right of the bed spun into a frenzy, followed by multiple beeping sounds. Mark froze on the spot, his face falling into his chest as he sobbed. Taeyong pulls him into his arms, patting his back in an attempt to calm him down. His muffled sobs grew louder, as did the tension in this room.

"Damn it," Doyoung cusses, starting to pump again, "we can't give up! 1... 2...," he continues, not giving up. He can't give up! "...30!" Another gush of oxygen flows into Donghyuck's system, in a final attempt at saving him. The room is silent for what feels like forever, every ounce of energy focused on one young man, begging to be saved. Mark glanced over at the monitor which had just flatlined, making a loud beeping sound as his mouth turned agape. Doyoung clenches his jaw, fighting back the tears and slowly gets off of the bed in defeat, "he's gone." Mark looks over at Taeyong, then Minyoung whose face was similarly disturbed, collapsing on the floor with a loud thud.

Lee Minyoung

He can't be gone, not now, not when Minah and Mark so desperately need him. I rush over to Mark, placing his small head in my lap, "it's okay," I whisper, "there will be better days to come." Taeyong remains speechless, leaning his back against the wall as he watches another teammate of his fall to the heavens, or in Donghyuck's case, hell. Him and I, we were supposed to protect them, what the fuck happened? Donghyuck was so damn young, where did we go wrong? We had EXO, we had them all under control, and now he's gone, and Mark is not only physically injured but mentally too.

I look down at the poor boy as his eyes slowly flutter open, "H-haechan," he gasps, wincing at his sudden movement and grabbing onto his injury, "is he okay?" I look over at the bloodied bed, then the monitor, shaking my head in despair. "No!" he shouts, "Noona! Tell me he's alright! TELL ME HE'S ALRIGHT!" He screams, grabbing onto my shirt and shaking me in agony. It doesn't do anything except getting the blood on me all over his hands. I shrug him off, tears now streaming down my face, "pull yourself together, Mark! He wouldn't want you to act like this, so get it fucking together." Mark freezes in his tracks, his hands dropping to his side, his head lolling as if drunken. He knows, deep down, that fighting isn't going to help, at all.

Addicted To You | NCT Gang AU ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon