Part Nine - Planes

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Asher's POV

As soon as I arrived home on that Monday, I went straight to bed. But not before I took off the clothes Lucas had let me borrow, his scent was all around me and I couldn't deal with it anymore. I intended to give them back to him but I don't think I could look at him, let alone talk to him at this moment.

It was now Friday evening and I had pretty much managed to avoid Lucas all week. We saw each other in the cafeteria and outside our offices sometimes but other than that, Lucas knew to keep his distance. He had been sending me work via email which kind of defeated the purpose of being a PA for him but I didn't care. Every time I saw him or Lyndsey talked about him, I would immediately tense up. My mind instantly going back to being trapped between him and the wall, his red face clouding my mind.

I was packing up to leave my office when a knock sounded at the door. Thinking it was just Lyndsey, I said, "come in."

The door opened to reveal Lucas with a bag in his hand. He looked as handsome as ever but bags were prominent under his eyes, he looked so fed up with everything. I stopped dead, not knowing how to react. He walked in, stopping just before my desk. He had guilt riddled all over his face, he must have felt as awkward as I did because he was nervously shifting weight from one foot to the other. "Um, hi." He lifted the bag onto my desk. I didn't speak, "I got your clothes dry cleaned for you." He pointed to the bag. I still kept silent. "Um...yeah okay." He looked to the floor then turned around, heading for the exit.

Deciding to man up, I spoke, "thank you didn't have to do that." He turned around, surprise evident in his face.

"Well it's the least I could do know." I nodded slowly. "Look Asher, I know you probably won't believe me but I'm really sorry about what happened on Monday." He's right, I didn't believe him but I didn't have the courage to tell him to shut up and leave either. "I don't know what came over me, I think I was just stressed from work and having a new PA start. I just...I didn't mean it. I am truly sorry." He fiddled with his hands and keeping his head down. I couldn't look into his eyes to see if he was being sincere or not.

"Okay." I didn't know what else to say other than that. I don't know whether to just forgive him and move on or hold a grudge. He had scared me but was it really that big of a deal?
I don't want to work at a place where I'm constantly avoiding my boss. Boss's shout at their employees all the time so how was this any different? Well maybe because he pushed you up against a wall Asher. Deciding that I should just get over it, I hesitantly said, "I forgive you."

Lucas' head snapped up to me, relief washed over his face. He started towards me and I instantly walked back. He stopped, realising what he just did. "Oh...sorry." I gave him a small smile to let him know that it was fine. "There was actually another reason why I came in here other than to give you your clothes." I looked at him, confused. "I need you to go home and pack a bag because we're flying to Paris tonight at seven."

My jaw dropped, "what?! Why?!"

"There's a group of students looking to do placements here so we're going to go speak to them and let them know the details surrounding it. I've also got a couple of meetings to attend."

"Why is an accountant going and not a lawyer? And do I really need to come?"

His brows furrowed, "A lawyer is going, they'll be meeting us there and like I said, I have some meetings to go to. And of course you have to go, it's mandatory." I looked at my watch, it read 6:15, meaning I had only forty five minutes to go home and pack.

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