Part Twenty Five - A New Start

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Asher's POV

In the short time that I've known Lucas, he had failed to mention that he lived in a freaking penthouse!

I stood stunned in the doorway for a whole three minutes before Lucas dragged me inside. The apartment was bright and open, pretty much the opposite to Lucas' personality. 

"How big is this place?" 

"It has four bedrooms and two bathrooms," he shrugged as if it was nothing. 

"Four bedrooms?! Why do you need that many?" 

"I don't. I use one as a bedroom and one as an office and the other two I use for storage." 

I stared at him in disbelief, I wish I could have two extra rooms for storage and yet I only have one small cupboard in the hallway of my apartment. 

"Come on, I'll show you the bedroom," he winked as he headed further into the apartment which was lucky for me because I think my face turned as red as a tomato. 

I allowed myself to calm down for a couple of seconds before following him. Just like the rest of his apartment, his bedroom was big, bright and surprisingly clean. His bed was like double the size of mine and was made perfectly. 

Lucas caught me looking and chuckled lightly, "it usually doesn't look like this, I have some cleaners come round when I'm at work." 

"Ah, that makes more sense." 

"I'm sure you want to get out of those clothes, so I'll grab you some clothes." He pulled open an adjoining door, revealing a large walk in wardrobe. It was lined left and right with expensive looking suits, each probably costing more than my rent. 

Lucas walked to a set of drawers at the back, grabbing out a t-shirt and some pj bottoms. "Here, they might be a little big for you." 

I took them gratefully then glanced around the room, looking for a place to change. 

"You could just get changed in here you know, I've seen you in your underwear before." 

My cheeks flared, "uh..."

Lucas laughed, "alright fine, you can get changed in here. Imma head into the kitchen, are you hungry?" I nodded, "okay, see you in a minute." 

He left and I quickly changed into his clothes, despite being freshly cleaned, they still smelled exactly like Lucas. I folded my clothes neatly and left them on the floor in the bedroom then made my way to the kitchen. 

Lucas appeared to be frying something and had made himself like more relaxed by removing his blazer, removing his bowtie and undoing a few buttons. I stood at the corner for a couple of seconds, admiring how sexy he was cooking. 

"You gonna stand and stare all night?" I snapped out of my trance, my eyes meeting his amused expression. 

"What you making?" I said, attempting to change the conversation.

He shook his head, laughing lightly, "a grilled cheese." 

"But you're frying it." 

"Actually, grilling something means that I'm applying dry heat either to the top or bottom. Whereas frying uses hot oil or fat so technically, I'm grilling it."

I raised an eyebrow, "did you just pull that information out of your ass?" 

He chuckled, "nope, my mom taught me." 

"Ah, very useful." 


"Back home we just put a some cheese and bread into a toastie maker and voila!"

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