Part Nineteen - The Devil

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Asher's POV

I stood in front of the airport, impatiently tapping my foot. I checked my watch for the fourth time, two more minutes before the gates of hell would open and I would be sucked into a week of absolute torture.

Okay...I might be being a tad dramatic but this is my mother I'm talking about.

Throughout the week I had been so busy with work and exploring this new relationship with Lucas (he had asked me to be his boyfriend pretty much straight away which I thought was super cute) that I had momentarily forgot about my impending doom before I got a delightful message from my mother that she would arrive on Friday morning (i.e. today).

I asked Lucas for the morning off so that I could collect my parents and he insisted that I took Thomas to pick them up then take them back to the office so he could meet them. I was adamant not to but then he kissed me and I couldn't think straight.

So here I am, leaning against Thomas' SUV, thinking of all the possible ways to get out of this but unfortunately no legal ones came to mind.

"Is that them?"

I followed Thomas' finger to where it was pointing towards the exit and sure enough, there was my family.

Lily dropped her suitcase and ran towards me, "Asherrrrrrrrrr!"

I enveloped her into a tight hug, "hey Lils, I missed you."

"I missed you too," she muffled into my jacket.

"Lily-Anne! Come back here and pick up your suitcase," I heard my mother shout. Lily rolled her eyes, she hated that name hence why I only called her Lily or Lils, I smiled at her before letting her go to retrieve her case.

I looked back towards the rest of my family, my mother walked towards me with my dad strolling behind.

"Asher." Mother said as she stopped in front of me.

"Devil... I mean mother." Lily snorted behind her before hiding it with a cough.

"Really Asher? Still holding on to that grudge?"

"Yep," I turned my attention to my dad, "hey dad."

He looked up, giving me a small smile, "Hi Asher, how are you?"

"I'm alright. This is Thomas, he is my boss's driver. He'll be taking us to my workplace so you can meet Lucas then I'll take you to my apartment." Lily's head perked up at Lucas' name, giving me a knowing wink.

"Pleasure to meet you all." Thomas opened the car door, gesturing for my family to get in. I hopped in the front seat while Thomas packed the suitcases in the boot.

"You need a haircut." I sighed, looking at my mother in the rear-view mirror.

"And you need a new attitude but we all can't get want me want can we?" She huffed in response, turning to my dad to complain about me.

Thomas climbed into the front seat and started the car for our long journey back to the office.

After an agonising half hour of my mother's non-stop complaining, Thomas pulled up at the front of the building.

"Welcome to Gold Law, this is where I work, but of course you already knew that didn't you mother considering you like to stalk me."

"I-," I cut her off,

"Follow me, I'll show you to my office."

I lead them through the reception and into the elevator, just before the door was about to shut, Lyndsey walked in.

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