Chapter 35

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"I am pretty adorable."


"My mom's in surgery, and the team looking for Kane just left. We should too." 

 If the decision wasn't set from the second Abby had left us, it sure as hell was now. I was asked almost immediately by Clarke to steal us some extra guns, but Raven insisted that she didn't want me to get arrested... again, and managed to get them herself. 

 I squinted from the harsh sunlight, the light breeze making my hair fly up in all directions. Raven's huge back of weaponry on my lap, making me grunt at the sudden weight. Raven smirked at my discomfort, as I stood up and shoved the bag off of my lap. 

 "Did you find Octavia?" Bellamy asked, but his question answered itself when the girl herself appeared from nowhere, almost giving me a heart attack. 

 "No. But I found you." She jumped down, a determined look set in her eyes. "I'm not letting you leave here without me." 

 "Octavia-" Clarke began, but was cut off as Octavia turned her back to the blonde, and addressed her brother. I held in a laugh at the expression on Clarke's face. 

 "The Grounder, Finn, and Murphy are heading to Lincoln's village. I've been there... have you?" She cocked her head in Clarke and I's direction, while we were both watching the girl, slight amusement on both of our faces. "Have they?" 

 "You done yet?" Bellamy teased, grinning playfully at his little sister, who crossed her arms and rolled her eyes in response. I reached behind me, and grabbed one of the backpacks stuffed with supplies, throwing one to Octavia, who easily snatched it out of the air. She raised her eyebrows at me, and I grinned. 

 "What's this?" 

 "You're pack." I answered in my best , duh, voice. Octavia gave me a sheepish grin, reaching over to lightly smack my arm. "You're so annoying." 

 "I know... lead the way, Tavi." 

 "Whoa," Raven stood up, warning in her eyes as Octavia was about to step out of the fence. "Not so fast there, Pocahontas." She warned, reaching our her metal pole that she used as a walking stick to gently tap the wiring of the fence. It was met by a rather loud sizzling sound, followed by small sparks flying from the metal. 

 Clarke's eyes widened slightly, as she leaned over to Raven, "I thought you said it was taken care of." 

 "It is," was the blunt response, as she raised the walkie-talkie to her lips. "Shut her down, Wick." 

 Raven waited a few more seconds, before smiling and reaching out to tap her walking stick against the fence, this time, we were only met with silence. Raven turned to send Clarke a coy smile, "taken care of." 

 Octavia nodded her thanks, bending down to slip through the biggest hole in the wires she could find. Bellamy followed close behind, and then Clarke. I saluted Raven as I turned, and she returned the gesture. I bent down and crawled through the hole, ignoring how weird it felt when the metal caught on my clothes. 

 I scrambled free, and got the hell away from there. 


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