Chapter 1

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"shut up, assholes!"


I have always found it funny how silence can consume your thoughts. 

I used to think that silence was an accessory to chaos. If you wanted to take something, it had to be silent, or else you would be caught and everything would go to shit. You had to just hold your breath and allow yourself to listen to the erratic beating of your own heart, hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst. In the past - to me, at least - silence sounded like the brutal wake of anticipating. 

 Now, silence just really pisses me off. 

 I have grown so accostumed to it that sometimes, all I can even conjure up in my mind are images of silence. It sounds like a dull, annoying buzz that rings in your ears and leaves you with a sour taste in your mouth. Ever since I had been left alone, the only thing I can really do is stare at the walls and try to remember what my own voice sounds like. 

 I haven't always been alone. My old cellmate's name was Eli. He never actually told me his last name, which was kind of sketchy, but it also made sense. I mean, you take one look at a scrawny klepto who keeps talking about how much he hates people, and you don't exactly want to give them intimate details of your life. I guess I forgot to ask. He was in this stupid room with me for a year and a half, until he turned eighteen and got floated. 

 So now I'm left alone, which just gives me another reason to hate the justice system. 

 "Prisoner 298, stand up and face the wall!" 

 "What the hell?" I demanded, standing up so I could face the two guards that burst into my room. My voice was hoarse from all of the not-talking I do, and I had to clear my throat to hide the nerves that built in my chest at the sight of the armed men. "I don't turn eighteen until next week, this isn't legal!" 

 "We're not killing you!" One of the guards growled. "Now face the wall!" 

 I reluctantly obliged, wincing as sharp metal pressed into the skin of my wrist. I looked at the mechanical looking band that was now clasped across it. I opened my mouth to ask what was happening, but couldn't form a coherent thought, so just  put my hand to my chest in mock-happiness. "You bought me a birthday present? You shouldn't have!"

 "Let's go kid." One of the guards began dragging me to the door as I mentally kicked myself for not being more respectful to people who are literally holding firearms. I didn't resist, I wasn't stupid enough to fight two heavily armed guards, but I did speak up.

 "Hey! Where are you taking me?" I asked, seeing as the same thing was happening to many other prisoners in my block. "Is this some sort of surprise assembly I should know about?" 

 "You're going to Earth." 


 I yanked my arms from their firm grips, spinning around so I could face them. They both had their weapons out, and looked about ready to fry me into a Nate-Kabob. I actually didn't care about that small fact, as words began to pour from my mouth before I had the chance to really comprehend them. 

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