Chapter 5

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"I would never purposely hurt someone... unless that someone is an asshole, in that case hand me a gun." 


The blood on the rocks kind of freaked me out. 

 Okay, the blood on the rocks really freaked me out. 

It felt like a warning, crimson splattered against gray that told us just what had happened here mere hours before. I, personally, was never one to adhere to warning signs, but as we pressed on further, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread building in my stomach. 

I kept my gaze trained ahead of me as we walked. I was in between Wells and Bellamy, and the tension between them was suffocating. Knowing how uptight Wells was, and how seemingly impulsive Bellamy was, this didn't seem like a very good duo. And as we pressed on, I felt as if I was stranded in the middle of a battlefield. 

 I shook my head again, droplets of water flying from the ends of my dark hair. The wind was rustling the leaves again, and it made me uneasy, just another factor of mystery to add to this new planet. I caught sight of the ends of my hair and brushed it back, wishing I had a pair of scissors or something. 

My hair color was something that amused me.  I was blond until I was like, fifteen, and then my hair slowly turned dark brown. The time corresponded to the time I was put in prison. In a way, it sort of mirrored how I changed internally, as well as externally. I narrowed my eyes at Clarke's back. I hope she could see that. 

 "We don't, Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker." Bellamy's voice jerked me back to reality, and I glanced up just in time to run into a tree. He laughed at that as I stumbled around, regaining my footing and sending him a glare. 

 "It's called cutting sign, fourth year Earth skills, he's good." Wells shot back. 

I couldn't help myself.  "Is cutting sign, literally cutting signs?" 

 "Do the three of you wanna shut up?" Finn hissed, turning around, "Or should I paint a target on your back?" 

 I bit back a sassy comment, and just gave Bellamy a "jeez" look.

 Suddenly, a deep groan echoed through the forest, We all froze. I could picture our ears perking up like those of the creepy-ass deer we saw yesterday, but the imagine didn't do much to calm my racing heart. 

 "Jasper." I whispered, my eyes scanning over the tree's. I didn't see anyone... or anything. 

 "Now might be a good time to take out that gun." Clarke advised, as we all began jogging to find the source of the noise. It was the second time I had run through a forest in twenty four hours, and I really wasn't enjoying it. 

 We came into a big clearing, and we all stopped in our tracks. Up ahead, a huge tree jutted up from the ground, surrounded by otherwise yellow grass. What really caught my attention however, was the body that was strung up on the tree's high branches. 

 My heart stopped. Now that was a warning.  

 "This is so fucked," I muttered, narrowing my eyes; partially unsure if my voice was even loud enough to be heard. "There are probably traps-" 

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