{35} Not Yet

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We rushed to the police station as soon as Jimin was allowed to leave. Once there we learnt that the man was put into the local jail for the time being. We needed to attend the court the day after tomorrow for serving him his true punishment.

Somewhere deep inside Taehyung and I both knew really well that now we have only one day to spend with each other. But still he looked at me wearing his brightest smile cheering me up.

"This is it Y/n. Your wish has been fulfilled." He chuckled at his own silly joke and I joined him when he ruffled my hair.

"Let's go on a date tomorrow. I promised you I would take you to one when this is over." He suggested and I agreed by nodding with a smile.

"Let's go home before it really starts to rain." He held my hand and took me to his car. He turned the radio on and it started playing a slow, beautiful song and he began to sing along while driving in the other rain.

I was really happy to be with him. He really cures all my pain and makes me forget about everything else. But he deserves someone better than me. He works for justice and I work against it. We are total opposites but somehow we can't live without each other. I don't want to leave him but I don't want to waste any moment either.

I turned to look at the man smiling and humming with the song and singing wrong lyrics. He's someone I'll always treasure in my life. I didn't notice that I was staring at him but he didn't say anything. He enjoyed my company in silence while I did the same.

The next day we really went on a date as he had promised. We had a great time. We took a day off from work to spend time with each other. We went to an amusement park and had fun. Then he took me to a fancy restaurant for lunch. At evening we went to the church and then took a stroll in the garden outside. At night we stopped at a convenience store to eat dinner. We had ramen as we were still full from all that we ate all day.

We promised to each other to not to think about anything related to my dad or the case. We focused on each other and as he promised to make it special, he really kept his word.

The next day we were summoned at the court. Yesterday felt like a dream. It felt unreal compared to what was happening now. Like I took a break from the real world for 24 hours but now I'm back. All the evidences, cases, files and everything were rightfully placed in front of the court.

"For all the sins commited by Mr. Jang Min Ho, he shall be sentenced to death by hanging. It will be occured 2 weeks from now." The judge announced and we all could see dad's struggle to keep a straight face while he kept cursing at his lawyer.

"And as for Ms. Park Y/n, the original penalty is 15 years of imprisonment. But as she was kidnapped, abused and made to do all this under manipulative circumstances, the penalty shall be reduced to 3 years of imprisonment. Court dismissed." The judge ordered and hit his hammer on the little plate.

Taehyung and Jimin came rushing towards me and helped down the cubical.

"Y/n I'm so sorry. I'll miss you so much." Jimin said almost breaking down in tears. Everyone had started calling me by my real name from the day we went to the library. I don't know why but I figured Taehyung must have told them. I dared not ask about it to anyone as it made me feel more guilty.

"It's okay Jimin. What I have done is wrong this is only fair." I consoled him. He rubbed his eyes and left me and Taehyung alone.

He didn't speak. Only held my hands tightly and looked down at the floor.

"Tae?" I called out and he burst out crying. I could tell he had been holding it in for so long.

"Not yet Y/n. Don't leave me yet." He silently sobbed on my shoulder when I pulled him in for a hug.

"It's okay don't cry." I didn't want to give him any false hopes that I won't let go or I'll return as I wasn't sure myself.

"We'll have to take her away now." One of the police whom we didn't know came up to us and dragged me away from Taehyung. He kept weeping and I couldn't help but shed a few tears as I continuously looked back at him. Seeing him like that broke my heart more. The fact that I was going to jail was not important because my only wish was to see dad in jail.

This is not really what happens in a court. It's just something I made up. Don't come at me saying it's unreal or this doesn't really happen because I know. Oh and don't forget to vote for K! He's realllllyyyyy working hard!!!!

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