{16} She's.... Gone

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I grabbed her arms in a swift and hugged her with full force. "I'm so sorry unnie. I don't wanna do this either, but I have to." I cried.

"Look Are- Y/n if you let me go I'll keep my mouth shut. We'll silently work on it and get your dad in jail okay I promise."

"It's too late. I can't let you go now!" I placed the knife at her waist with shaky hands, ready to stab her.

"I'm so sorry. I really didn't wanna do this I'm so sorry." I sobbed slowly inserting the knife into her fragile body while she screamed in pain and struggled to break free. I quickly covered her mouth so that no one could hear her.

I quickly removed the knife and threw it away. Her almost lifeless body took support of my arms to stand still. She started falling to the ground slowly while I still held her. She wouldn't take her eyes off me.

"I shouldn't have trusted you. Jimin was with me the whole time. I should've known you were lying. I should've told them beforehand." She kept cursing in a low voice while I was balling my eyes out.

"Unnie please forgive me! I really love you and everyone else. I didn't have a choice!" I cried

She slowly put her arm out and touched my cheek. "Take good care of Jimin and Taehyung for me. I'll haunt you forever if you annoy them." We smiled at each other while still crying.

After a moment her hand fell on the floor, her body ran cold. She's gone. She's never coming back.

I cried my heart out for a good ten minutes still holding her body in my arms. But then I came to my senses. I need to leave. But what about her?

I dialled Taehyung's number immediately. "T-Tae come to the garage we found the other day while investigating! Come quick!" I said with a shaky voice.

"Areum is everything okay?! You're not hurt are you?!" I could sense the man panicking on the other side of the phone.

"I'm fine just come here fast." I whispered, no energy left in me after all that happened.

In no time I saw Taehyung's car pull up to where we were. He quickly got out of the car and already in shock to find Nina dead in my arms.

"What the hell happened here?!" He asked while checking her pluses.

"I was on a walk around here when I heard someone scream. I rushed here to find unnie on the floor and that man ran away as soon as he saw me." I tried to explain.

"What did he look like?" He asked checking her heart and then her breath.

"I didn't see his face but he was dressed completely in black and was short." I made up a figure in my head.

"She's..." He stopped looking away.

"I'm so sorry. I-It happened so fast and I-" I tried to speak but my tears beat me to it. I burried my face in my palms and cried really hard.

I felt so guilty for what I had done. I killed someone who trusted me. She's gone. Now there's no one I can count on. No one left to tease me. No one left to bring me snacks. I'm so sorry unnie.

"THAT SON OF A BITCH!" He suddenly stood up screaming and kicked an empty can which was lying aimlessly on the ground.

He stood at a distance on his phone probably calling Jimin and the others.

"Can you just stop asking questions and get your ass here already?!" He scolded. This was the first time I had seen him like this.

'What have I done?'

"Areum, anything else you know? Did you see anything at all?" He said furiously taking big steps towards me.

I nodded my head in a no.

"I'm not going to forgive that bastard I swear I'll kill him!"

'You mean me? You mean you'll kill me? You'll never forgive me? I'll never forgive me too. '

In a distance we saw a car approaching. Jimin jumped out and rushed towards us.

"H-how?" Jimin was out of words as well. I could see lumps of tears forming in his eyes as well as he sat beside me.

Other police cars arrived as well, their loud sirens almost hurting my ears.

"Let's leave this to them. Come with me Areum." Jimin said in a comforting voice and helped me stand up while some people layed Nina's body on the stretcher and took her inside the ambulance.

Taehyung was standing in a distance all alone trying to hide his tears.

"Why are they taking her to the hospital?" I asked Jimin.

"For autopsy." Be replied.

"And what's up with Taehyung? I've never seen him like this." I asked again.

"Well,  I guess you don't know. Nina used to be Taehyung's girlfriend. They broke up because they couldn't work it out."

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