{9} She Is My Sister!

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"Who is the guardian of the lady?" One of the doctors asked.

I raised my hand, "I'm her sister." I said.

"Well, please come to the office for a second." One of the doctors said and started walking towards his cabin while we followed.

"I'm coming with you." Taehyung said.

I tried to protest but he shut me up by holding my hand. Again. I think he knows I like it.

We entered the cabin and sat down opposite to the doctor.

"Your sister...well...she's not in a very good state." He hesitated.

"She is alive, yes, but its no use. She's in a coma. Her chances of waking up are very low and even if she does, I'm afraid she won't remember anything at all."

My world came crashing down. I could not move even a finger. All I could do was listen to his bullshit.

"She has bruises all over body and its evident that she was abused. You are her sister. Do you know anything?"

"No..." I lied. I hate lying about her. But I need to protect her. Protect us.

"Then we will have to let the police take care of it. Anyhow, I'm extremely sorry about the whole situation. The decision is yours. She's basically brain-dead-"

"What are you trying to say?! Are you asking me to kill her?! Are you actually asking me to kill her?! How dare you! She's my fucking sister!" I screamed cutting off the doctor's words.

"Areum calm down."  Taehyung said in a low voice and settled me down.

"I understand how you must be feeling right now Ms. Areum. But it's just an opinion. Please don't take any of my words to heart."

'You tell me to kill my sister then ask me not to mind? Heck why would I? You're the one who should die.' I thought.

I broke down in front of Taehyung as soon as the doctor left. I can't go on like this. When is all of this going to end? Will we ever be happy? It's all dad's fault.

"Hey-" Taehyung quickly reached out to me and held me tightly. "Don't mind his words he's stupid." He started rubbing my back.

"T-Taehyung he asked me to kill my sister!" I half screamed at him.

"Calm down. No one is dying I promise you. Your sister is going to be just fine." He tried to console me and surprisingly it helped. I gave in and hugged him back.

Later that night we all sat surrounding my sister. She slept like a dead person while I held her hand in mine.

"Do you want you go home?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm not going back at that place. Ever." I replied immediately.

"Then stay at my place." I looked at him. He soon realised what he had said and replied.

"I-I mean visiting hours are over and we need to leave!"

"It's okay. I can't leave her like this. I'll wait outside."

"Don't be silly Areum. I can't let you stay here. I promise I'll bring you here the first thing in the morning."

After a little more arguement I finally gave in and we drove back to his place, which was small but cozy.

"You live here alone?" I asked.

"Nope. There are a few cockroaches living here. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't." I said and we giggled.

He guided me towards his room and handed me a green hoodie. It was BIG.

"Shit I dont think I have pants that'll fit you." He said searching the closet.
"Do you think I would need em?" I said placing the hoodie on myself. It ended right under my knees.

"You're right. Get changed and then lets have dinner okay?" He ruffled my hair and exited the room.

"I'm not hungry~" I groaned sitting at the table while watching Taehyung prepare the dishes.

"Stop whining doll, I'm not letting you go to bed with an empty stomach." He complained.

"But I had the snacks Nina unnie brought for me back at the hospital!"

"Are you kidding? You just had one pack of chips while Jimin and Nina finished the rest!"

"But that was enough~"

"I cooked specially for you! I'd be hurt if you didn't taste it!" He touched his heart and fake cried.

"Fineee~" I gave in. I always do to him.

He gave me a sweet smile and placed a plate in front of me. It looked delicious.

"Yumm~" I said when he looked at me curiously with big eyes.

"And some kid was not even willing to eat that."

We laughed and finally finished our food. It was time for washing the dishes which he obviously didn't let me do.

I dont know who the hell is reading my crap and voting for it but THANKS A LOADS I 💜 YOU! And I'll let you enjoy some moments with Taehyung for while as we are not even halfway through the story hehe.  I'll update tomorrow for sure!!😆

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