The Empire: In My Feelings.

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Muhammed's POV.

"When did you get back?" I ask.

Aliyu just got back, I haven't seen him in months.
"This morning, I just got back and decided to come see my father and met you here".

"Uncle Musa is with baba, they are discussing something, so how was the trip?" I ask curiously.

"Complete torture" he huffs "I won't travel for a very long time".

I laugh.
"You should come over for dinner, you need a proper meal" I suggest.

"Of course" he pauses "I heard you got married".

Aliyu left a week after Leenah's death so he doesn't really know what's going on in the Palace.
"Yes, I did".

"And things are going well?"
"You know who it is, I'll introduce you two later".

"Okay then. I'll go get settled in, when he gets back tell him I just went to take care of a few things and I'll be back" he tells me.



She smiles "I thought we were just going to eat something light today? Wasn't that what you said when you told me to take today off? That I should rest properly and you'd get us something light for dinner?"
She ends her sentence with a frown.

"I know but Aliyu just got back and I know the food the cooks make won't be as good as yours"

She smiles "Aliyu? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

I just stare at her.
"Don't worry I know what to make him. I'll just make his favourite" she says excitedly.

I look at her lost, how would she know what he—
Right! They're cousins.

"I completely forgot you two are cousins" I say.
"Oh yeah. He's a pain in the ass" she jokes.
"Look at you, if not the fact that you're cousins then what else?"

"But you don't really like fish. I'll just use beef instead, since he doesn't mind beef".



Third Person POV.

"I want no one to know of this" she says when she drags the maid.

"But what if I get caught like the other two?"

"You better not. I don't want to threaten her anymore. This time I really want her gone and you must do whatever you can to make sure of that, do you get me Habiba?"



Muneerah's POV.

I get in the car and close the door.
The next minute the door opens.

"What's wrong, Habiba?" I ask the head maid.
"I heard you're going to the market".

"Yes. I'm going to make dinner special this time so I want to get everything myself. The groceries the maids have been getting me isn't as fresh as I want them".

"I can get them for you. I was going there to shop for Ma Alima anyway".

I raise my eyebrows suspiciously.
"It's just that if I go now and like this it might take a long time to get back but if I go with your car people will give things to me quickly. I won't even have to wait in line".

I smile. "It's because you don't go out wearing your Palace uniform. You should know that I can't let you take the car out. Just go wearing your uniform and Mujib can escort you. Let me give you my list so that you can get them for me too".

She smiles "Of course".


Muhammed's POV .

She hugs him. "It's been two years".
He laughs "I can't believe Muneerah is the one married to a Prince, you always wanted to marry a noble and travel the world"

She giggles a bit embarrassed.
"Will you keep standing outside?" I ask.

They both walk in and sit.
"So how was the trip? You missed home?"
"You know travelling has always been your thing not mine".

"That's true" she nods giggling.
"So what are the plans now? The do's and dont's?"

I just watch while the two converse.
"Well I plan to get married first and foremost. I'm tired of this bachelor lifestyle, it's killing my spirit".

"You should. Should I hook you up with someone? Although I have to admit I don't know alot of people".

"Exactly. Baba says he has someone and honestly I am not sure about his decision".

My phone chimes at the same time with Aliyu, we look at each other questionably but my wife was too busy watching to notice.

I check it.

Uncle Musa.
Meet me in my office in 20 minutes and nothing longer.

I don't want to have to call.

I look at Aliyu, with his expression I think he received the same message.

"Uh—Muneerah?" She turns and looks at me "We have to go check something quickly but we'll be right back" I say.

"Oh okay".
"Just eat, don't wait for us" I say getting up.



We all sit.
When I mean all it means all of us including my brothers.

"You all haven't heard this yet, I'm sure" he starts talking "You all know General Al-Qasim".

"Of course, our brother is married to his daughter. How can we ever forget?" Walid asks sarcastically.

I don't even spare him a glance.
"Well he has decided to hand over his position over to his son Abdullahi and so all of you including your wives will be heading over to the South tomorrow morning. You all have to be present".

I'm surprised Muneerah didn't tell me the good news or seem excited.

"Keep your trash talk within yourselves no matter what and I don't want arguments or fights there, do you all understand?" he asks.

"Of course" Ali says back.


I yawn.
Walking inside our bedroom I see Muneerah crying.

I hurriedly walk over and sit next to her.
"What's going on?"

She doesn't say anything and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Sorry we missed dinner, we can warm it tomorrow morning" I say not sure why she was crying.

She raises her head and looks at me "it's not that".
"Then what?"

"I hate it here".
I stare at her.
"I really hate it here, I despise it".

I was surprised to hear her say it, I knew she didn't really like it but I didn't think she hated it this much either.

"Abdullahi is going to become General and I hear it from Salma. Not him or Abba but Salma. Just because I'm royalty I have to part with my family? I have to hear news like this from someone else and not them? I tried, I really did but I hate it here. I have to live miserably and on edge".

I hug her lightly "I'm going to make a promise to you".

She looks at me.
"If I don't become king then I'll leave this Palace and Aleer city. We're going to travel the world together, I promise"

She smiles "But you will become king, inshallah".

"Don't worry, you have me and I'm your family now" I huff "Have you eaten?"

"No. I didn't, I lost my appetite when she told me. Let's just sleep".

"Okay if that's what you want"


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