The Empire: Gone Are Her Days.

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Muneerah's POV.

I look at her with a smile on my face, although I'm sure it looks forced.
"You have a different aura".

I smile but internally feeling the creeps, I wonder if she's like those women who feel she can see the future.

She bursts out laughing.
"I'm joking. I don't even know what your aura is, I have no idea how it works but you're definitely your father's daughter".

My mother in law is a bit crazy—I think.

"I just thought its better to start joking, you know these kind of conversations are always intense".

"I understand".
"Anyway I know I don't have to tell you anything because your father did but if you need anything tell me if I'm not available you can talk to Maimuna but call her Hajiya that's what Muhammed prefers. I know I don't have to tell you about your in laws and how to deal with them" she winks at me "I heard about what happened with Rabiatu".

"Ahh! I heard things travel fast around here".

"Yes that's people's source of entertainment and that was how I found out people suspect Rabiatu for Leenah's death. It would make sense though".

I nod trying not to say too much.


Yasmin, Salma and I were seated in Yasmin's garden having tea. She saw me walking by and invited me.

"I have heard alot about your father" Yasmin says with a smirk.

"Yes. They say Aleer has never seen a man like him, is it true?" Salma asks.

"To me—Yes" I smile back.
"But some people also say that he's trying to take the throne using the Southern city and Edo, he controls them after all" Salma says.

"They are rumors just like I heard your father used his influence to sink a ship after it miraculously lost all the gold gotten from fallen empires. Or are they not rumors? That would make my father a traitor and yours a thief?"

"What are you talking about they are both rumors anyway so why talk about it?" She laughs.

"Hello girls" Rabiatu says walking towards us "I am heading to our cafe, care to join?"

"Oh that's right, Muneerah isn't it your aunt's restaurant?"
"It is. Let's go" I say eagerly.
"Okay let's all go" Yasmin says.

"Let me call Muhammed" I excuse myself.
"Muneerah!? What's going on?" He asks when he answers the call.

"We're going to my aunt's cafe, if you don't mind that is."
"I'm not sure, who are you going with?" He asks sounding hesitant.

"Uhh! Salma, Yasmin and Rabiatu"
"Okay but you have to be very careful. And I'll ask someone to follow you around"

"Is that really necessary?" I ask, I hate that guarding thing.
"Let's agree on this"

"Fine. Bye"
I end the call.


While the girls go find us a seat I head to the back.
The kitchen was filled up but I could spot her clearly, she was leaning on the fridge writing something down on a notepad.

"Aunt Maryam?" I call her excitedly.
She raises her head "Muneerah" she hurriedly walks over and hugs me.

"It's been so long" I say as we pull apart.
"I know, I'm sorry I didn't make it to your wedding, Musa said it's not safe and everything was intense".

"It's fine, how is Aleer city?" I ask.
"Come on I should be asking you that, you haven't been here since you were 2years".

I smile.


I sit across Rabiatu.
"Isn't the car we came with your husband's car? Are you allowed to leave with it?" Salma asks curiously.

She looks at all of us who all waited for her answer.
"Unlike all of you my husband loves me so much, so of course he gave it to me to ride".

"I'm sure she asked him today after some exercises" Yasmin jokes and we all laugh.
"Actually he was the one who told me to have a little fun and I can go with his car".

The waiter brings us our drinks.
"Excuse me I'll be right back" Rabiatu says leaving the table.

"Everyone knows the only husband who sincerely loves his wife is Walid, all of us were all forced on each other. You're so lucky" Salma tells Yasmin.

"Maybe you'll be next" Yasmin says looking at me "I think you're next after me. Muhammed seems sincere".

"Thanks" I reply back sipping my drink.

"Sometimes I just wish we could live happy lives, without all the drama but it's like it's always in a hurry, to keep you on your toes. I want peace for once and I've been married for 5years and I have never ever had that".

For the first time what came out of Salma's mouth actually made sense.

"Excuse me?"
We turn around and see Rabiatu's driver.

"Her Grace had to leave but I'm supposed to take you back home" he says.

We look at each other a bit surprised because her purse was still on the table.
"She left her purse" I say.

"I'll make sure to return it" he says with a smile.

"Okay let's go" Yasmin says.
"I'll go see my aunt first, I'll see you in the car". I head to the kitchen.


Friday Night/Saturday Morning.

"Muneerah?!" Muhammed wakes me up.
"Hmm?" I groan.

"Wake up, there's a problem"
And with that I jolt awake.

"Calm down! It's not right to be waking up like that".
"It's okay I'm fine" I cover my mouth yawning.

He was wearing his formal attire but when we slept he was wearing his pajamas.
"What going on?" I asked confused.

He sits next to me.
"Rabiatu? What happened at the cafe?" he asks.

"I don't know. She excused herself immediately the waiter brought our drinks and she didn't come back after that".

"Are you sure?"
"What's going on?"

He huffs "Her body was found at a morgue"
My mouth drops open. "What?!"

"No one knows how she got there, only the seven of us and baba know about her passing but maybe by now all three Ma's and the wives know about it".
"OMG! But she was fine when she left earlier".

"We'll talk about this later but for now you should go take a bath and get dressed so we can head to the Royal Court".

"Okay" I hurry out of bed.

Another dead wife?

The Empire: Love And Royalty. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora