The Empire: A Stranger

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I powder my face and look at myself in the mirror.
Sometimes you just need to thank God over and over and over again for the blessings.

I go to the guest room to make sure everything is okay and well before I walk out.

Not to go out or meet friends or my in laws but just to sit in the gazebo and read a book on Wattpad, I haven't done it in forever and I can't believe I miss it. I always thought no matter how long I didn't read on it I'd never want to but I was proved completely wrong.


Muhammed's POV.

"Why? She would want to see you" I tell Abdullahi.

He came to town to specifically talk to me and apparently he doesn't want Muneerah to know he's here.

"Did you two have a fight?" I ask curiously.
"No. I am thinking of going to Spain and I might be gone for a while so I want to make sure you and I discuss things properly first".

"Discuss what?"
"My sister—" he pauses "—I'm not blaming you for your wife's demise but I need you to really take care of my sister. She's emotionally weak even when she smiles and says she's okay, don't fall for her 'I'm fine' ruse, she only says that to act strong. She's the only thing father and I care about in this world so you better do right by her".

"I understand. You don't have to worry about anything".

"I'm glad to hear that. It was good seeing you" he shakes my hand and walks out.

My phone starts vibrating.
"Abdullahi what's up?" I ask when I answer the call.

"I just saw Halima, I didn't know she was coming"
"She was supposed to be here tomorrow. Is she coming here?"

"No. She's heading to your humble abode"
"What?! I'll call you back"
I end the call and hurry out.

She doesn't know about about Muneerah. I should have known she'd pull this stunt.


Muneerah's  POV.

I see Habib walking over with Suleiman by his side.
Suleiman stays behind just standing.
"Here" he hands me an envelope.

"I think I already told you I was bringing these"
I nod, accepting them.
"Thank you. I didn't think you'd bring them here, yourself".

"Well we were going to see Ma Asiya anyway".
"My regards".

"Before you go can I ask for your father's number? I asked uncle Musa but he says I should ask you if I really want it".

He hands me his phone.

I saved Baba's number and Muhammed's number too.
"Muhammed?" he asks.
"You don't need to call, just keep it".

He smiles "Okay, see you around"
I walk in.


The knocking continues.
I quickly run over and open the door.

A girl stood in front of me, she looks a bit older than I am. She was holding a boy in her arms.

But her face—The resemblance told me who she is.
She pushed me and barged in.

I close the door completely confused.
"How dare you wear her clothes? Or pretend this place belongs to you?"

"What?" I ask confused.
"What are you talking about? Whose clothes?"

She keeps the sleeping child on the couch and walks over.
"I saw you with Habib and Suleiman—What were you two talking about?"

"I really don't understand what is going on here. Don't you know who I am?"
"Am I supposed to? Who the hell do you think you are?"

I just stare at her completely confused.
"What are you saying? It's Muneerah".

"I don't care who the hell you are!"
I stand completely and utterly speechless and lost for words.
"I'll handle this".

She gets her phone out and makes a call.

Hello, Uncle Musa?
Yes I just came in
They're all fine alhamdulillah.
Actually there is a woman here who just wouldn't leave, I don't know who she is but she's bothering me.
She says her name is Muneerah, send security to Ya Muhammed's quarters as soon as possible.
What? Am I supposed to know who this trash is?
Yes she's here with me.
Yes she can hear me, am I supposed to care?
I'll call you back later.

She huffs.
"I don't know who you are but you have to leave".

Enough of the crap.
"If anyone is leaving it's you. You have no right to come into my house and insult me".

"You must really be crazy. Did Ya Habib or Ya Suleiman make you do this? Huh?"
"Muhammed never told me his sister is mentally deranged, maybe that's what he and Ma kept from me".

She raises her hand to hit me, before I could even stop her the front door barges open.
Muhammed stood there breathing heavily.

"Halima! What are you doing?!"

Muhammed's POV.

Muneerah looks at me angrily.

"I don't have time for all this drama. Fix this" she says through gritted teeth and walks out slamming the door.
"Wow, she's insane" Halima says pushing my hands.

"Can't you be respectful?"
"To who? Her? A nobody?"

"She's my wife you have to".
"Wait! You remarried?" She asked shocked "I didn't see it on the news and no one told me"

I huff "Yeah I know. I'm sorry, I've been too occupied with this palace that I forgot to mention it"
She nods "It's fine".


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