Chapter Eight

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Once the car was parked Royce got out quickly and I rushed to follow. He looked to Mr. Hudson "Where's Rosario?"

"The meeting ha-"

Royce didn't let him finish as he was already out the door. I sped up my pace to catch up to him and we walked straight into the meeting hall where we interrupted Dr. Harvey and Mr. Rosario's conversation.

"Boys I-"

"The next words that come out of your mouth better be the plan of how you expect to get Jett back."

Royce's calm but bitter voice surprised the two older men. They stared at him but Royce became impatient with every second.

"We'll figure something out, and we'll send the others as soon as-"

"No, I have to go too."

"I don't think that's a good idea, especially with how your acting right now."

I decided to speak up this time, "No, we're both going and that's final."

"That's not really up to you, is it?" Rosario said, beginning to become irritated.

"Why did you want us to come back," Royce said.

"what ?... I already told you, we did want-"

"You didn't want them to take us too. Yeah I know what you told us, what I'm asking is why you actually wanted us to come back."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't care for us, you never will, you wanted us back for a reason, and I'm asking for that reason."

Mr. Rosario became serious as he walked closer to Royce, looking down at him.

"I don't have to tell you anything," with a quiet yet harsh tone, "you seem to forgotten your place here, and I suggest you shut up before I remind you."

Royce didn't speak but his eyes never wavered, still filled with anger at the man in front of him.

Dr. Harvey cleared his throat, trying to cut the tension in the room between his higher up and his test subjects. "I assure you that we have intentions to bring him back, but we're not going to be haste with our plans...being under prepared isn't going to help anyone, especially Je-" His eyes flickered to Rosario as he cut himself off, taking a deep breath, "subject 13205 is property of this facility, he will be brought back."

I stare intently at Dr. Harvey, as if trying to go inside his mind and communicate my pleads for help knowing that these people are the only hope we have of seeing Jett again.

"You are dismissed."

I follow Royce out, glancing back to catch Dr. Harvey's eyes before shutting the door behind me.

Royce stands in the hall with his hands on his face, rubbing his temples.

"We'll see him again, i'm sure of it," hiding my doubts, trying not to indulge in the part of my brain that flashes with many different scenarios of what could happen.

He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath calming himself down. He nods while keeping his eyes on the floor. We stay silent for a bit, both trying to process whats happened today.

"I just wish I could've done more, ya know"

I look at him, I've never seen him like this, but then again, we've never been in a situation like this. "I know man," not being able to say much as my brain is still trying to come to terms with what happened. I doesn't feel real, like a dream, my brain feels hazy.

I glance at him for a moment before pulling him into a hug that I felt we both needed, or at least I needed.

It was brief but I hope he felt how thankful I was that at least he was here, and I knew he was thankful he didn't have to go through that alone.

He finally looks at me and he gives me a forced smile, he pats my shoulder softly, "we should go to the others... they deserve to know whats going on."

I nod as I follow him.


~Author's notes ~

Shorter chapter than usual, sorry about that, but I'll try to update again soon !

- Alissa :)

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