Chapter Ten

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5 days.

It's been 5 days since Jetts been gone, and each day feels ten times worse then the other.

4:30 am

It was hard to get sleep, every time I try I can barely get a few hours. My mind won't let my body rest and I've given up trying to fight it.

I lay looking at the wall hoping sleep will take me eventually even though I'll probably have to wake up by then, but the universe always works in it's own way.

The loud blaring alarm and lights turning red set me straight up. I was so tired I almost thought I was dreaming, I walk out of my room and see the others doing the same.

Just as I was about to open my mouth, ear-splitting screams were heard then loud booms that could only be identified as guns.

Suddenly the exhaustion was stripped from my body. Royce didn't waste a second to make his way down the hall shoving all of us in my room then closing the door. He leaned his body against it since our doors didn't exactly have locks.

"What's happening?" Helena said fear encasing her words.

"I don't know, but I don't want to wait to find out," Xavier said trying to calm him breathing.

I didn't want to be here, my mind racing and my body shook wanting to run far away from here.

More booms were heard and I shut my eyes wishing this was a dream I'd wake up from.

"We have to go to the meeting hall," Royce started, the awful noise becoming a patterned background noise that wouldn't stop.

Royce was answered with protest and I could do nothing but fidget with my hands and try to listen to their voices over the alarm and muffled bangs.

"Listen, we can't stay here," I said, "we have to go now."

"The meeting hall is not far from here, and I'd rather be somewhere that doesn't have these flimsy cheap doors if that noise is what I think it is," Royce moved his hand on the knob and turned to the girls, "Stay in the middle of us."

Royce opened the door and we quickly made our way out of the room.

The meeting hall was all the way down then a left then another left. We could do this.

Royce lead the way and I kept a close eye behind us, feeling paranoid.

Once we made it down the hall he stopped at the wall right before our turn, peaking over and making sure both sides were clear. I assume he didn't see anyone because he lead us to the left but we didn't get far before hearing booms coming from the next turn.

He quickly turn and point to go back, but he didn't have to tell me twice. I was now leading since I was at the end and instead of going back to our rooms I went straight down then took a right. The alarm thankfully covering our steps as we ran to get away from the guns.

I turned left and we ended up in the eating area. My shock stopped me in my tracks causing Xavier to bump into me. It was completely totaled, the tables were flipped and napkins, drinks, and other stuff were scattered on the floor. The most horrific part were the few bodies laying lifeless. Except one.

I ignore the cries and shock from the others and instantly run to the man I see making an attempt to drag his body away. I bent down and reach for his shoulder but he sharply turns back over probably thinking I was the intruder.

"Hey it's okay, it's okay," I try to calm him, trying not to let the fear show even tho I know it was obvious.

His face calmed instantly and he slumped down no longer finding the urge to move. Royce moved closer and Xavier tried to block the girl's view.

I felt like crying, no matter what this man has done, I wanted to cry seeing him like this, "Dr. Harvey, It's going to be okay."

He grabbed my arm, "You have to leave."

He struggled to get his words out but the desperation was clear.

"Who did this?"

"The other lab. The people who took Jett," He said crying.

"We'll get you out Dr. Harvey," I said making an attempt to grab him.

"NO," he moved his body away in protest. He grabbed a key from his pocket and shoved it into my hand. "My office...36..020..5..."

His energy visibly draining.

"Dr. Harvey-" he cut off my confusion.

"Jett...find him...3602..05.." He used his final breathe to say, "leave."

"Dr. Harvey," I tried shaking him lightly as if that would wake him up.

Royce kneeled down and checked his pulse, before looking at me and shaking his head lightly.

I looked down at the key that was covered in blood.

36 02 05

36 02 05

36 02 05

I repeated it over and over, scared to forget it.

"Aaron we have to go." Royce pulled me up by my arm.

36 02 05

I bent back down and grabbed Dr. Harvey's ID "Get out of here now," I held his ID up before giving it to Royce, "This is our ticket out of here, get to the transport center and be ready to leave."

"What are you gonna do," He said taking the ID.

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"I'm going to Dr. Harvey's office, I'll meet you guy there when I'm done."

"I'm going with you," Xavier said without hesitation.

"No" Helena grabbed his arm and pleaded with him.

"He's not going alone, we'll be okay," He kissed her forehead, "Go now."

We ran in different directions and I kept muttering the numbers under my breathe.

I was so concentrated with the number I didn't even hear the loud stomping of boots. Xavier grabbed my shirt and threw me into the closest room and locked the door. We ducked under the window with our backs pressed against the wall praying they don't peak in.

I covered my mouth trying to calm my heavy breathing.

I looked down at the floor that showed the light that was seeping through the cracks of the blinds.

Not long after, we saw the shadows of three figures jogging by. I left out a sigh of relief before turning to Xavier, "Thanks."

He smiled, "I bet now you're glad I came with you."

We left the room and took the right to make it to Dr. Harvey's office. I used the key he gave me to open the door and was quick to lock it behind me and Xavier.

36 02 05

"What are we looking for exactly," Xavier asked seeing me look around.

"A safe or keypad...he didn't say he just gave me numbers," I rushed out looking around like it was going to jump out at me.

"Okay I'll check the desk, you check the cabinets," He said moving faster than me.

I turned to the cabinets and started opening the drawers but it was hard to find something when you don't even know what to look for.

"Aaron!" Xavier called me over.

I went to stand by him. The big drawer of his desk opened with a keypad lock on the safe that fit inside perfectly.

I bent down, quickly pressing in to code that was now engraved into my brain. 360205

The light on the safe turned green and I quickly opened the safe. The first thing that sat on top was a dull yellow folder with the label clear as day.

"Jett," Xavier breathed out.


InjectionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora