Chapter Thirteen

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When the girls came back we managed to tie Jett's hands just to keep him from attacking us when he wakes up. Royce stepped out to go to the car and Anya suggested we'd put Jett in a different room since our presence seemed to anger him the last time.

"So what do you think happened?" Helena looked at Xavier, now that me and him came back from putting Jett in the room next door.

We joined them on the floor, needing to sit down.

Xavier looked at Helena, "Do you remember the time they tested on me for 4 months."

Helena only nodded but Anya spoke up, "You never told us what they did to you."

Xavier looked at the floor, "At first I thought it was something to control your emotions.. it made me so angry but that wasn't enough for them. It took over my mind, It made me violent, it causes a pain so terrible it makes you lash out." He glanced back to the door where Jett was behind. "It makes you into a feral animal you can't control. And at some point that violence is gonna be pointed at himself, just to make it stop."

Royce walked in, dropping the file lightly in front of Xavier who didn't hesitate to open it.

"But you're here, so that means they made a cure," Anya pointed out.

Royce stayed standing, "Xavier thinks the injection was taken from our lab, so maybe they took the cure along with it."

"It's our only hope...if the cure was at our lab that means it was destroyed with the building," I said still fidgeting with my fingers.

"Its here," Xavier said, "It's on the list, that means they have it."

I scooted to him looking at where he pointed.

"We can't just walk in and walk out, it's not that easy," Helena said frantically.

"We can't leave him like that," Royce said sadness evident in his voice, "He won't last Helena."

She nodded, "so what do we do?"

Anya took the file from Xavier taking out three papers. "They made a map of the lab and they were able to label most of it," She placed two of the  papers in the middle of us. "I've been wondering this whole time why there was three, the last one is different and Dr. Harvey didn't even touch it. It was the deepest level and it's the biggest, they didn't understand it. The only thing he wrote was that it seemed empty and endless so they didn't even complete it but-"

"What's your point," Royce said confused.

"What if these are underground tunnels built beneath their lab. Hardly used and a possible way to get in and out without anyone seeing... You said it yourself the night Jett got taken, you said it's like they just vanished, you didn't hear or see anything for miles but what if another entrance was closer than you thought."

"We can't put so much trust into a theory Anya," I said carefully, "What if you're wrong."

"What if I'm right?!" She looked at him, "I know it sounds crazy but I've been thinking about how they took Jett without leaving a trace ever since you guy's came back and with these maps it makes sense."

I wanted to believe her but we didn't have much room for error.


Xavier started but she cut him off, "Look It's just a theory, you guys are right...but let's consider it, we'll make another plan in case we don't find anything... I just don't think these passage way's are here for no reason."

I nodded, "You're right, we should consider more than one plan."

"I'll help you figure it out Anya," Helena said, she grabbed the maps and flipped over some other papers in the file that had a blank back. There were two pen hanging from the corner of the file, one black and one red. She grabbed one and started drawing a simpler copy of the map. "We can make two so you guy's can come up with some alternatives while we figure this out."

Xavier reached over and took the other pen and started helping her make a copy.

I stood up," While they do that maybe we can look for some mattresses that aren't too destroyed...we can stay here for the night."

"Yeah that's a good you wanna come with us for now Anya?" Royce questioned.

She glanced at the other two who were still drawing before nodding and getting up too.


We had found three mattresses so far but split up to find the last two. Me and Anya were currently on the first floor walking in silence. She's been in her head this whole time.

"What's on your mind?" I said still looking forward.


"You're worried about getting the cure," I guessed what she had meant, trying to be more specific.

She shook her head slightly, "it's just... who knows how long he's been like this, and Xavier said he wasn't in control but he's aware of everything and he's in pain... I can't imagine what he's going through."

I stopped in my tracks trying to find an appropriate response, "well like you said, they most likely just moved him, it would be a hassle to travel with him like this so it probably hasn't been too long....and he is aware but that just means he knows we're here for him now."

She nodded eyes glossing over slightly, "we have to get that cure soon Aaron."

I placed my hands on her shoulder to make her look at me, "we will." I pulled her into a hug and she didn't hesitate to return it, "we came all this way for him, we won't just give up on him like that."


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