Chapter Four

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11:57 pm

I laid in bed, impatiently waiting for the clock to hit 12:00.

Today is a special day. Once a year the Scientists have some important conference thing with the other facilities to show what new stuff they got going on, and that means we get a free pass to sleep in and basically do whatever we want. The other departments couldn't care less what we do and they usually end up staying home to enjoy the two days off anyway. Lights out in the sleeping area is at 10:00, but our meeting time is always 12:00, by then everyone should definitely be gone, and the halls should be cleared.

At 12:00, we all sneak into one of our rooms to spend as much time with each other as we can, this year we're meeting in Jett's room.

12:07 am

I jump up, just noticing the time, I grab a pillow and blanket and make my way to his room. As I'm walking to his room, I spot Anya, she smiles and greets me as we make it to the door. No point of knocking, I open the door for her and close it behind me.

"Heyyy," Xavier said, "now were just waiting on our host!"

At this point I realize that along with Xavier, only Royce and Helena were here, I looked around confused.

"Where'd Jett go?" Anya asked before I could.

"No idea, he was gone before any of us came."

"Do you think he's okay?"

"It's Jett, I don't think he'd get into too much trouble."

"yeah, but what if-," Anya was interrupted by the door swinging open.

"Sorry If I took forever guys, I had to steal some snacks from the eating area!" Jett said excitedly as he closed the door.


"Oh save the lecture Royce, it's meant to be eaten! Plus this is a once a year thing, I get a pass."


"So I was thinking we should watch a movie tonight, I had Xavier help me sneak the tv from the activity center and I took some options," Jett said as he lightly kicked a bag from under his bed to Xavier.

"Agreed, but Jett can you please hurry and pass around the snacks!" Helena said.

"Yessss ma'am," Jett began to slip his backpack off, "Xavier you pick the movie, I trust your judgement the most."

02:22 am

"WHAT!? Royce! How could you not like Iron Man?!"

"I didn't say that Jett! All I said was that I would prefer Captain's abilities!"

03:37 am


"Really Helena?"

"Leave her alone Xavier, you act like super strength is any better"

"Whatever Anya"

04:20 am

"All I'm saying is there are definitely Aliens out there."


"I'm gonna have to agree with Jett on this one."

"See Aaron gets it."

05:01 am

"Aaron... are you awake?"

I looked up from the floor after hearing Anya's soft whisper come from the bed. Helena was fast asleep next to Anya and I looked to both of my sides to see the other guys asleep too.

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