Silent Cries of Anguish - Why Anti-Chinese Sentiment Won't Help Defeat the CCP

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Note: This post is a shortened version of my original post. If you want to read more on it in depth (contain more emotions as well), you can find it here: 


Warning: This is an informal piece of writing and contains opinions. You may not agree with me, but please refrain from hurling insults or racial slurs. Remember we are civilized human beings and we communicate through logic and reasoning and not by banging our heads on keyboards. Thank you.


With all the rising tension between China and the US, anti-China sentiment is increasing rapidly, spreading throughout the world as people are beginning to realize the tyranny of the CCP and its threat to world peace

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With all the rising tension between China and the US, anti-China sentiment is increasing rapidly, spreading throughout the world as people are beginning to realize the tyranny of the CCP and its threat to world peace.

But as hatred for China and the CCP increase, so does hatred for the Chinese people. Many people associate the Chinese people with their tyrannical government, and subsequently, they take their anger and hatred for the CCP out on innocent Chinese citizens. Racism and hatred for Chinese people, regardless of their political position or nationality, run rampant on the streets and on the internet. On the streets, random Chinese people are assaulted, beaten, and shamed for their identity, for being Chinese. While on the internet, it's much more prevalent and extreme, since offenders can hide behind an anonymous identity.

There has also been an increase in stigmas and negative stereotypes on Chinese people. This has been the case for centuries, but with the coronavirus and the surge in anti-china sentiment, it has become stronger and more prevalent than ever. Many people view the Chinese people as greedy, selfish, and arrogant barbarians. In their eyes and on the internet, the Chinese people are dehumanized into uncivilized, filthy dog-eatingbeasts. There's also the widespread beliefs that all Chinese citizens are brainwashed and support the CCP or that all Chinese people are racist and hate westerners.

Of course, this may not be the opinion of the general population, but the sheer amount of people who still hold these false beliefs baffles me. So, I would like to clear up these misconceptions and discuss the true relationship between the CCP and the Chinese people. But since certain people on the internet are incapable of thinking logically, I'll try to put things in very simple terms.


The Chinese people do not equal the CCP. It's just that simple. I don't understand why some people associate all 1.4 billion Chinese people with their tyrannical government. It should be obvious that a government doesn't necessarily represent its people or their values and morals. So why must innocent civilians pay the price of their authoritarian government's action? Why should they be blamed for the atrocious crimes their government has committed?

Even if certain brainwashed individuals support the CCP, would it be fair to ruthlessly persecute the entire population? How can some people say that all Chinese people deserve to be nuked? Are they saying that innocent civilians deserve to suffer and perish for the crimes committed by an authoritarian government which they have no control over?

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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