The flames of rebellion

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The flames of rebellion,

burns strong in my heart.

I watched as injustice

tore people apart.

Hopeless, and powerless

to stop it all.

Fury and despair overwhelms me,

chewing and tearing at me from within,

as I watched.

I watched as

Families vanished,

turned into puffs of smoke.

I watched as young men,

charging bravely at the foe,

The crimson flag,

it still stands tall,

while around it,

the young men fall.

Their hearts, blackened

and twisted with greed,

under their rule,

the people bleed.

The tyrants held their heads up high,

spoiled with riches and power.

While the heros were left to die,

as the people cower.

The dead littered the land,

as their blood runs

through the very soil

cultivated by their hands.

This little flame of mine,

it still burns strong.

One day we will avenge,

those who were wronged.


Yet another rebellion poem. I am really running out of ideas I guess. This is a raw, unedited poem that I've written a while back. A little overdramatic and cliched, but I basically just threw all my thoughts and feelings together into one big paragraph, broke it up into smaller chunks and called it a poem. Creativity 100.

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